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1955 rj35 belt guard

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hello i was wondering if anyone has pictures of there belt guard i was thinking about trying to fab. one i would like to make it close to orignal as possible.

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Where's Stevebo when you need him.... he seems to gets all hot and sweaty over these RJ35 posts. LOL!

I’m at work right now so if Steve doesn’t post by the end of the day I will pull my belt guard out and post pics and dimensions.

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Here I am..... :)

Here is one that I fabricated. It is not original but I liked the polished aluminum look to match the wheel and steering shaft. IMG_6284.jpg


And the one on my late 55 or 56 (original)


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Thanks, you guys are awesome! I think i

can make one of those.

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I'm thinking you should probably make a few of 'em if you do. :eusa-think:

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It is not a perfect 90 degree as it actually goes more than that. If it is not bent correctly the variable drive pulley will rub. I should be able to get some measurements.

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Measurements would be helpfull.

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3 inches wide and 16 inches total length. Not sure the thickness but should not matter too much. The "curl" on the bottom is there to hold the belt. I do not have that on my 55 but it should be there. You may have an issue with it not stopping.

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Here are some pics of my NOS belt guard.





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Thanks for all the pictures and help. I will post pictures after i fab my guard. One more question what are the correct belts i have a 20 and a 37.

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I think that depends on the size of your rear "big" pulley. I think they offered a 5,6 and 7 inch version...

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Mines the seven incher.

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I think that fireman just had a post on the belt size on his 55 with the same pulley you have. He bought what the parts book called for and they did not work. He took mine off of my 55 and tried them and they worked perfect. Try researching his posts to find the info he updated not more then 2 weeks ago.

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Here are pics of my homemade belt guard thanks again for all the help!!! turned out pretty good i think.

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That looks perfect! One of the great things about these early WH's is that you can repair them with everyday tools and materials.

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