farmer 1,075 #1 Posted February 1, 2012 I thought I'd share, I'm ok with normal heights but this is something quite different, whatever they are ain't enough. WARNING 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nylyon-(Admin) 7,380 #2 Posted February 1, 2012 I got 2 and a half minutes in and couldn't watch it any more. Way too high for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AMC RULES 37,144 #3 Posted February 1, 2012 Geeze, I think I would have stopped at the first electrical junction box, at the base of the tower. I think it's funny, the narrator said...if a storm is blowing through, there's no quick way down. I bet, once you're zapped by lightning, there is. :scared-eek: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raider10 3 #4 Posted February 1, 2012 thats a bit too high for me. climbing the stair way to bed is high enough for me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rollerman 290 #5 Posted February 1, 2012 I've seen that in an email forward before & still amazed when I watch it. Even though they are tied off with a safety line, it's hard to imagine standing on that platform once they reach the top! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KC9KAS 4,742 #6 Posted February 1, 2012 Damn, I forgot my 1/2" wrench....guess I'll have to go back to get it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dennist 139 #7 Posted February 1, 2012 Yeah, I am going to call in sick that day. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meadowfield 2,650 #8 Posted February 1, 2012 Those guys must be nuts! Great vid Rex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Don1977 604 #9 Posted February 1, 2012 I wonder how much that moves at the top I would think it moves quite a bit up there. We had a110 foot mast on the ship plus another 30 or so to the water. Another fellow and I used to go up and clean the antenna insulators. We could look straight down and not see any thing but water the ship would be back behind us, then we would be on the other side. THe ship was 40 ft wide we were moving side to side at least 60 ft. It was a fun ride. We would waste half a day up there to stay out of the other working partys. There wasn't any one else on the ship to come up after us. I noticed that fellow was pretty lax about his safety rope. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CasualObserver 3,410 #10 Posted February 1, 2012 That was making me dizzy just watching. My favorite line was at 4 mins.... "Now we've reached the base of the antenna, from here it's just another 60 feet to the top!" Just now... now...? Where were we before? Never thought of something 1700 feet up in the air as being the "base" of something! Wonder what the hazard pay is for that job? :huh: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duff 206 #11 Posted February 2, 2012 Wonder what the hazard pay is for that job? Whatever it is, it ain't near enough!!!!!! Duff :thumbs: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Butch 194 #12 Posted February 2, 2012 No way in hell. I was nervous just watching. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smoreau 658 #13 Posted February 2, 2012 One slip, one mistake, your now a pancake! Stevasaurus, don't get any ideas! Nope! NOT FOR ME! NO WAY! I wounder what there insurance cost? Nope it aint enough! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jake Kuhn 1,573 #14 Posted February 2, 2012 Wow! That does not look fun! :banghead: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
520HC 208 #15 Posted February 2, 2012 I'm with Karl, I have tried to watch this thing before, and can not get all the way through it. Amazing!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paul D. 26 #16 Posted February 2, 2012 What do ya do when ya have to go to the bathroom? :omg: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wh-jason 32 #17 Posted February 2, 2012 when i was 19 i climbed towers for a local company. ive only been to about 400 feet, and i will even say these guys are nuts!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rooster 191 #18 Posted February 2, 2012 I will never again complain about working UNDER anything....!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tunahead72 2,504 #19 Posted February 2, 2012 YES!! I made it all the way to the end! ... ... I don't feel so good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rollerman 290 #20 Posted February 2, 2012 I don't know if I could do it (the tower might bend with me on it), but this makes more sense to me than jumping out of a plane with a chute. :hide: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevasaurus 22,973 #21 Posted February 2, 2012 I've made 5 three thousand foot jumps out of a perfactly good airplane (very safe). I've climbed 50 foot telephone poles on hooks during my phone ladder. I've fallen a couple of times...the out of the tree was the worst...but I know if you do not get back up and get back up there...your confidence goes bye-bye. The trick is not to fall. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
c161rat 185 #22 Posted February 3, 2012 I have a big giant bucket of FORGET THAT!!!!!!. I like steve have been in the communications industry (cable tv). I am a certified climber and have been up 50' on hooks. I also climbed half way up a transmission tower (a long time ago) approximatly 200 feet. That video gave me chest pains....LOL I've made 5 three thousand foot jumps out of a perfactly good airplane (very safe). I've climbed 50 foot telephone poles on hooks during my phone ladder. I've fallen a couple of times...the out of the tree was the worst...but I know if you do not get back up and get back up there...your confidence goes bye-bye. The trick is not to fall. Steve, Its not the fall i would be worried about.....its the sudden stop at the end of the fall that will get you everytime!!!!!!! LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevasaurus 22,973 #23 Posted February 3, 2012 Absolutely Joe...glad I am done with all of that...keep both feet on the ground now. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites