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So since BP brought up his slight desire to own a RJ-25, it made me wonder, how many of them are there? I'd assume there's probably not many, but does anyone have a production number? How many are presently "known" to exist? and for crying out loud... can we get some pictures of one!? :wwp:

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Well I do know there some "clones" out there of RJ-25s and for some reason the number 11 sticks in mind for known examples to exist but that might be too high. I can think of 3 right off the top of my head and then there is the one that was dissasembled and sold on ebay :whistle:B) .

Wild Bill in Richmond

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Why on earth would someone part one? B)

If the production is only barely double digits, it's not like there's a high demand for the parts for one.

What an idiot. :whistle:

I hope he made a LOT less then he would have selling the complete tractor.

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Yeah I forgot to add that one to my wish list! B) So make that (6) I want!


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it was'nt joe's outdoor was it ?

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I'll be honest here, the whole clone thing irks me a little. I know a few of these have been done and it really isn't THAT big of a deal, but don't try to fool people. If you can't find it, look harder! It just creates confusion and dishonesty IMO. Next they'll be building Lever Steers.

Sorry to rant. B)

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The clones don't bother me if the owner is open about it.

I seen Tim Lepree's RJ 25 a few years back on a trip up for a tractor with Joe P & it's 100% Pond I beleive?

I know of an RJ 25 clone too but don't think the owner hides the fact it is.

Dustin I have heard of a few Levers that were modified over the years so bad to do a restore you almost have to start over with just the rear frame section & bull gears & build all new.

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So, are any of these exisiting RJ-25's fiberglass hood versions? B)

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Joe told me he had one :whistle: I cant remember if it he still does or that he had one. He has a belt gaurd for me for my 58 so when I pick it up maybe this weekend I will ask him! B)


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Duke I don't know if Joe has or had one to be honest.

We have not talked in a lllooonngg time. B)

I do know he has a sweet Walk Away Delux! B)

Tell him I said hello....then duck. :whistle:

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YIKES!!!!! Duke that could be a Scary moment. HELP MR. WIZARD

B):whistle:B) Just Kidding Burly

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I know this is an old thread but found it very interesting.

How would one know if it is a clone or not? What are some of the signs to lead an individual in the right direction?

Curious minds would like to know....... B)

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The first thing would be to investigate the hood very carefully as RJ25's did not have a gas tank filler opening in the hood. That would be the first mod needed to clone a RJ35 to a RJ25.

There might be other things to look for but I will leave that to better experts. Some may not even reply for giving up the trade secrects B)

Was there a different bolt pattern for the RJ25 Briggs compared to the Kohler/Clinton of the RJ35? Would the frame need to be modded also?

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Thanks Vince.....I remembered the hoods needing to be solid as the gas tank mounts right to the 2.5 horse briggs. Wasn't sure about any other mods that might be done.

Can't find much info on them.........

Do any of our members possess one?

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Never even seen a rj 25 yet,Rick

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wheel horse 1045

still no pictures of 1 :omg:

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The only picture I could find of what is supposed to be an RJ25 is from the R & B Wheel Horse Stables website:


I have no reason to believe it's not original but you could email them and ask them. They may even be members here on Redsquare.

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Its weird that WH would go through the trouble putting a gas tank stand in for an RJ-25 :omg::D



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I am going to look at one tomorrow that may be an RJ-25. Seller said the hood is perfect (I forgot to ask if it was a fiberglass hood) and he said it has a 2.5hp motor on it.

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Roger from southern Iowa

Now I've seen a pic of one!! Beautiful machine. :D

OH dw 1973 :omg:

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Charlie I didn't even notice the tank stand till you said something. Maybe they put the tank stand in all the early 55's :omg: . Stevebo's 55 has the hood stand and mine doesn't. It's all part of the mystery! Not sure what to make of it.

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Guys thanks for the help...........

Charlie you bring up a very good point.

I still need to know if there is anything else I should be looking for that might tip it off as a clone. It does have the 2.5 h.p. Briggs on it. How about steering wheel? Should it be a cast steering wheel?

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I know where there is a legit RJ25 (with original B&S motor) and there is no hood stand on that unit. Also the hood is not fiber glass. I found it when doing research on RJ35 brake kits.

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Thanks Vince..........I will keep you guys posted.

Any more input guys?

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I was told that the early 55's only came with the clinton 1200 which at the time Pond purchsed a bulk number of clintons. the clintons they purchased came with the gas tank mounted to the clinton engines so they took them off and made up a hood stand to hold them. At some point in 55 they started to mount the tanks to the hoods. So imo if you have the hood stand on the 55 then it is an early model.

I am not sure but the rj25's may have come with the engines having gas tanks too :omg:

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