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753 won't stay running

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My 753 will start right up and runs great. I figured I would take it out today for some snow cleanup. Tracer will be running great and after about ten minutes it's like someone shut the key off. Let it sit for awhile and then starts back up and runs fine. Few minutes later it will die again. Any thoughts?

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Vapor lock? Try loosening the gas cap and see if it stays running.


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What Sparky said ^^^^^^^^^

Also it could be a coil or a condenser gone bad, and shutting down when they get warm. I'd check for spark when it dies.

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Or you can just sell it to one of us :banana-tux: All kidding aside I would think it is spark issues as well seeing as it runs for at least 10 mins. If it shuts down in 1-3 mins then I would think is it a fuel issue.

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