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Snowblowing with a hydro

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Last year was my first time snowblowing with a wheel horse. I didn't have my C-175 running so I had the blower on my Raider 12. It worked pretty well, left arm cramps and all! This summer I got the bugs worked out of the C-175 and got it ready for winter with some extra lighting. We finally got some snow today so I got to try it out. It's a whole new ball game! The extra wheight of the tractor alone is a big difference, and picking the blower up is much easier. I kinda feel like a little kid again- praying for more snow. :ychain:

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I use 520's for plowing and blowing, they are nice with the hyd lift and speed control, that is key with a blower.

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I've used a single stage blower with both an 8 speed and a hydro....and the hydro wins hands down! The hydraulic lift is a plus but the speed control a hydro gives you is the most important thing for successful snowblowing.


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can whlvr

ya i think the hydro wins too,mine are on hydros and the plows on the 8 speeds

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The speed control difference is nice. I have an area that is all forward/backwards, not having to shift and being able to back up faster saves a lot of time. I just went out to finish up between the wood shed and the house and the chain grenaded.. Is that worth repairing or is it best to replace it?

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Forest Road

How much snow did you get? We have a place in Indian Lake. I'm hoping to get up there in a week for some good times with my 3 y/o son.

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We got 5 inches. I would think Indian lake got a bit more. :confusion-shrug: It is beautiful up there, even though it's an hour from my house I ice fish there regularly.

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Buy new chain, TSC has it #40 in a 10' section, around $20

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I've never run a blower on a hydro yet, but have to agree I like them better for most the work I do with my tractors.

I mostly push snow here & find the faster reverse of the hydro better in that aspect alone.

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I like the 8 speeds the best.... but I have to admit that a blower on a hydro is a winner. Being able to leave the engine at full throttle and creep is the key..... I do snow blow with an 8 speed and find myself in low range first gear alot of the time. But thats it.... everything else I would rather push my 8 speed than use a hydro!! LOL ;)

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hydro hands down on mowing and blowing the snow

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Forest Road

Thanks! I have a freshly painted and rebuilt blower on a 314H I'm dying to try. Hopefully they get more next week. I save all my ugly road grading and tree towing etc for my 8 speed. I'm doing what I can to save the hydro for the long run.

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The new chain is on order. The wife is gonna hit tsc up tomorrow. I would like to have a plow someday to play with, sounds like I am missing some fun plowing with a horse...

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I have been using a plow on one of my 520's for about three years. No chains, no weights and I have a 300' driveway and no problems unless you get some really deep drifts. This year I have a 48" plow on a C-175. We only got about 1 1/2" so far and not worth plowing yet. I did just pick up GT 1848 with a blower today so I will have to try that this year. Most everything I hav is a Hydro and you just can't beat them for mowing or snow.

Updated : Overnight it really drifted and had to use the skid loader on the driveway (drifts) and since the county doesn't do their job I had to move some snow off the road in front of our place. Boy does that thing move snow nice. Just traded for it a month or so ago and am really happy about it. Now I can use the 175 to keep it clean.

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The speed control difference is nice. I have an area that is all forward/backwards, not having to shift and being able to back up faster saves a lot of time. I just went out to finish up between the wood shed and the house and the chain grenaded.. Is that worth repairing or is it best to replace it?

When you replace the chain. :techie-eureka: Keep the old one to wrap around your front tire for better steering. It's good to recycle! :angry-soapbox:

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The speed control difference is nice. I have an area that is all forward/backwards, not having to shift and being able to back up faster saves a lot of time. I just went out to finish up between the wood shed and the house and the chain grenaded.. Is that worth repairing or is it best to replace it?

When you replace the chain. :techie-eureka: Keep the old one to wrap around your front tire for better steering. It's good to recycle! :angry-soapbox:

My front tires have roller chains, I will keep the old chain for a spare though. :thumbs:

I got the new chain today. The blower is a 06-42st04. Is 50 3/4's the right length? Thanks

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Well... I started it up this afternoon, being 12 degrees here today I figured I would take it to my cousins garage to put the new chain on. While driving it up onto the trailer the drive belt broke.. :laughing-rolling: Nothing is easy these days.

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The other wonderful thing about hydros when they break down (I know its rare but...) is pushing a 500 lb dead weight that doesn;t roll anywhere as easy as a manual in neutral.... even with the valves open etc..... sigggggghhhhhhhh just had to shove a 312A around 200 feet and it nearly gave me a stroke. Good luck on the repairs..


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