vinceo 34 #1 Posted December 19, 2011 Hello Everyone! Im having my 5th plow day on March 24th. Last year we had like 47 tractors plowing, Id like to see 75 this year! All the fields are in rye grass, and we have about 20 acres or more to plow. You can come fri and camp out, theres about 10 guys from the Charlotte area coming Fri night, and some guys from the great state of Bama also. We had only 2 wheel horses last year, Id like to see more. Food will be avalable Sat afternoon or you can bring your own. Kids are more than welcome and even if you dont have a plow if you want to disk is fine, tillers welcome too! I plan to make a round with my 401, and Id like to see some others too. any questions you can email me at vinceochiuto AT charter DOT net Look forward to seeing you all! Thanks Vince MARCH 24TH 900 AM 485 GUM SPRINGS RD TAYLORS SC 29687 Ill pass more info along after the first of the year. HINT to all you in the rust belt, its usually nice and warm down here! " Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mowinman2 45 #2 Posted December 20, 2011 Just wanted to help Vince out and add some eye candy. Here is a link to last years plow day pics that I took. Hope to see some of you there!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinceo 34 #3 Posted December 24, 2011 Hey Everyone I stopped in at the farm yesterday and Im happy to say all but one field is in rye grass for us. Dyrell said that with everything we did for him last year, he was going to take advantage of our help. Hes excited to see everyone again and plow a bit him self. Everything behind the chicken house has been leveled up for us and all the fields on the front of the farm, up by the road are leveled up for us. Last year we tried to do them, but the raised beds that were under plastic were just too big for our small tractors. Ill be looking forward to seeing everyone again! I really like how its snowing in my pics, hats off to the people that run this site, VERY NICE! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KC9KAS 4,742 #4 Posted December 25, 2011 Your plow days looks like a lot of fun. Too bad it is too far for me. It looks like there may be a "swap meet" going on too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinceo 34 #5 Posted December 27, 2011 KC9AS Thanks. Just heard from some of my friends from Bama, their comin up and one guy from Fla too. Im really hoping for 75 tractors. I started 5 years ago with 8 and last year we had something like 47 plowing last year. It has doubled every year. There will be 3 Wheel horses there this year for sure. The guy on the D owned a local lawn mower shop and his mechanic was on the toro horse. But now that he sold the busnes I dont think he will be able to show up as March is really the big kick off for our grass season. I work for a cub dealer and Ill be off that Fri and were not open on Sat's. The guy Im working for now its on his parents farm. Last year I wasnt working with him so it was no big deal, but missing a day of work in march, well Il be pulling some 12 hr days to make up for it. I really dont get a chance to plow at this event, so in the fall I try to hit a few others. Im hoping some guys here are seeing this post. Id really like to get some wheel horses here. Looks like its going to be a bunch of deere machines for sure. I like to see all differant types just makes it fun. On the other forums I give the other brands a lot of static, but really they are all good till they break! We gave this guy trouble all day. We kept asking him what was older, him or the tractor! LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kingwood990 16 #6 Posted December 27, 2011 I am planing on being there with my MTD 990. I don't have a WH that can pull a plow so I will be running the big orange Kingwood tractor instead. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mowinman2 45 #7 Posted January 16, 2012 I had a job down in Greenville SC today so I swung by and picked Vince up and we rode over to the farm and checked out the fields. Conditions are looking great and the rye grass is coming in really nice. The good thing is there wont be any crop stubble in our way. Just nice grass that will turn over really easy. Going there today was such a tease!! Here is the eye candy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mowinman2 45 #8 Posted January 17, 2012 Here is the aerial view of the fields. The GREEN arrow is where you should enter the fields. Continue on the BLUE road in the direction of the BLACK arrows. Proceed to find parking in any of the YELLOW areas. You can park along that field as shown, but please stay out of the road as much as possible. Its tight through there with the grape vines. When everyone is leaving, it feel free to leave at the RED arrow or where you came in. The STAR in the center is the main location for the registration with Jen, the swap meet, and the lunch tent. The lunch tent is where you will find Vince the most. The PINK area is where we will circle the wagons and set up camp friday night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinceo 34 #9 Posted January 19, 2012 Hotel info Travelers motel has a good reastruant next to it and a duncan doughnuts kinda a one night stand place, but Collin stayed there last year said it was perfect. One of the Deere guys used it alot in his high school days, and recomends it. In 15 yrs Ive ben driving past it its always seemed to be clean and never trouble. 864 834 7222~~~~~~50 a night Sleep inn is 1 block from Travelers. Has a diner subway and a grocery store next to it. 864 834 7040~~~~~~100 a night for 2 double beds Hampton Inn is next to tractor supply. Ive stayed at many Hampton Inns never a problem when I was driving a truck. MCDs, Pizza Inn, Waffel house, Walmart and other reasturants across the road. 864 834 5550~~~~~~~~~~ 100 a night for 2 queens I think were going Fri night to Golden Corral for dinner. These places are 15 min from greenville. 15 min from the plow fields I would leave your tractors and trailers at the farm. Not that that area is bad, just that our tractors are good! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinceo 34 #10 Posted February 26, 2012 Hey Everyone, I see that there is a show in Charlotte in April. This means that there are people that have some tractors to come and plow with us! HINT Id love to see more WH's here at the plow day. So far there will be 3. Im only 2 hrs south of Charlotte Nc so come on down and have a good time, maybe someone could tell me more about my horse! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mowinman2 45 #11 Posted February 28, 2012 One more update from Vince... Well guys we're under 30 days now and Im getting excited! Some of you know I ride past the fields every day to and from work, and if I run to the store for a cherry pie! Today I stopped in and talked with Frank Sr and Darryl about the fields. Heres the skinny, the back fields, the ones that were in raised beds last year, the rye is up over my knees! Who would have thought it would be this warm. So they need to turn them under soon. I asked Darryl if it could be mowed with a bush hog and he said he and his dad would talk about it. Remember, this is their farm and their lively hood so we're at their mercy. But the nice thing is if they turn the back fields, about 10 to 15 acres, that still leaves us all the front, and the side that we didnt even do last year. Also some of the fields we plowed last year were turned 3 weeks before we were there and the rain firmed it back up perfect for us. Im not a supersitous person, but the farmers almanac has the week and half leading up to plow day dry. So lets keep our fingers crossed, rabbits feet out, and all the horse shoes up! LOL FOOD Food will be served again, this year with a twist. Frank and Teresa are kind enough to BUY US LUNCH! Thats right, their business Ferguson Equipment Co, will be supplying the hot dogs, chili, and something else, we havent figured it out yet. So big thanks to Frank and Teresa for this! They had a blast meeting you all last year and I know Frank cant wait to do this again. SHIRTS I ordered the shirts today. Wanna thank everyone for their intrest in this. We didnt end up with the amount that I had planed so there will be some there for sale, dont know how many to meet the lowest cost price. FRIDAY NIGHT On Friday night Id like to get everyone together thats in from out of town and have dinner at Golden Coral. This was really started with the first Plowday, Allen C, Jenn, Lyle B (who is no longer with us), and Collin. Its kinda nice to sit around BS and get to put names and faces togeather. It has always been a good time. DOOR PRIZES Im still working on them. As you all know its been hard on so many again this year, seems like it been like this for the whole run of plow day, but the ones I have secured are nice. Someone is going to walk away with I know, what I think is a really cool door prize. So when you come in and see Jen for your shirts get a ticket and we will draw the prizes at lunch. The cost is still 5 bucks to get in, whether you plow or not. Operators meeting at 9am. YOU MUST SIGN THE RELEASE FORM TO BE IN THE FENCE, NO EXCEPTIONS. LETS REMEMBER SAFTEY FIRST! WEEKEND BEFORE If anyone would like to help out and mow the Sat before I and a few others will be at the fields to mow and get things ready. SOME PICS FROM LAST YEAR, THANKS DAVE! Thanks Vince! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mowinman2 45 #12 Posted March 14, 2012 Just got this from Vince. Im sure his head is spinning but in reality, its just a different place for us to enter into our GPS. No big deal. To all who plan on attending the plow day, please pay attention. Due to unforeseen circumstances the plow day location has changed. It will be only 20 minutes away from the original site, so no worries. Please hold off on any questions for now. Details are being finalized and you will be informed soon. Thank you for your understanding and patients. Vince Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mowinman2 45 #13 Posted March 17, 2012 Ok guys here we go. Im going to go and talk with the manager Mon night after work and get the back room for dinner. Golden Corral 3240 North Pleasantburg Drive, Greenville, SC Next, Frank will have hot dogs for everyone Sat for lunch. Jen and kathy are going to bake some cookies ect. As always if you want some more, bring some stuff to go with it. Ill have some drinks there but you may want to bring your own. A little about where we are plowing at. http://www.mybeechwo...ut_Us_GCY1.html NEW ADDRESS: 184 County Road 526, Travelers Rest, SC 29690 Also known as Bates Bridge Rd. Mr Ferguson was kind enough to mention the plow day to Billy, and Mike Jackson did some digging for me in a pinch and got me in touch with Billy, Thank you to both. These fields are all done and planted, except the ones we will be plowing. He is kind enough to hold back 1 week for us to come play, hes kinda really looking forward to seeing this! PLEASE be verry careful as we will be parking right next to the berries. Also there is a lot of irrgation along the road where we will be parked. Please remember, we need to keep the main road open for their tractors and what ever the thing is called that rolls the plastic and makes the beds as this is still a working farm and they will be using these roads to get to the other fields. Those of you coming in Fri night and want to drop the trailers, Robert, Dave Adam Aaron will get you where you need to be. Ill put all the swap meet stuff near the packing house. In the past we have just put a piece of tape on something with your name and price. This way if someone want something they will know whos it is. For those of you that got rooms in Travelers Rest, this wont be far for you at all. For those that got rooms in Greer, its going to add about 15 min on to your trip to the fields. For those of you coming from Iowa, Im cutting 50 min of the trip! For those of us stayin at the farm fri night we will figure out a spot to camp fri morning. Billy sugested at the top of the red hill, man its nice up there, you can see the whole farm from there! The cost is 5 bucks to get in, Ill send out a copy of the waver after Billy has looked at it and feels its ok with his family. This way if you want you can print it and bring it with you. It will be easier on Jen Im sure. She will be set up next to the packing house and the lunch tent. also for those of you that got shirts, she will have them for you. IF weather becomes a problem, Ill start sending out emails lunch time Wed and calling people so they dont get loaded for nuttin. Ok the fields. The first one we will be plowing has been disked and Its about 8 acres. Nice sandy soil. Next the big red field, it hasnt been disked in a few years from the look of it. It will go from sandy soil to hard red clay! I dont think its as hard as that one strip at mayfield, but who knows! This may bring a good challenge for us! Also the google map is not up to date for sure looking at it. Billy says its between 6 and 8 acres. Then theres a few other smaller 2 and 4 acrer tracts to plow. I know for a fact that travelling between the first field and the second field, will be a long time in the seat! But on short notice, theres not much we can do. Like Billy said if we could have seen in the future he would have saved a big bottom for us. Remember the drivers meeting is still at 9am so please try to be there. Get there early to get the deals at the swap meet which will be directly behind the packing house right at the beginning of the driveway. Any more questions, please dont hesitate to PM me. Heres a new and updates map of the fields; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites