shameless 3 #1 Posted December 19, 2011 So just for fun I thought I would share my journey... This is a first for me. I put myself to the test, my wife always tells me to use the tools I keep buying so I did as she wished. First job, make a mount to connect the old MTD blower to the 312-8. Took some 1.5" "U-channel" and welded a 5/8" solid round bar that fits in the front atachamatic receiver. Bolted the U-channel to the blower with both tractor and blower sitting level. The blower mount area is much wider that the atachamatic receiver so I centered things up, measured twice and tack welded a couple of washers to the round bar on either side of the receiver, now it slips right in and stays centered, welded it all the way around the washers and that part is done. (My phone camera seems to distort the pics a little) On to making the blower spin. Start with some pulleys, idler wheels and a spring to keep the belt snug even with the blower up. OK , I'm not gonna lie here it took nearly a dozen tries to get this right! Pictures aside, and I had many from my web searches. It went like this. Too much tension, not enough tension, idler wheel too big, belt so tight blower won't touch the ground. I actually laughed so hard at myself I pulled a muscle! PAUSE................................... Major problem, motor spins opposite direction than the blower needs to. Found the info needed for the remedy on this forum ( THANKS TT !! ) Bought some sprockets, chain and idler gears and start building. The mount hole for the bottom sprocket in the pic is slotted to tighten the chain. Mounted the two back together to test with fingers crossed!!!!! The jack shaft is 5/8" solid round bar that passes through 2 pillow block bearings. Started her up engaged the pto and hoped nothing flew off and killed me!!! Minor centering adjustments to pulley and gear positions and locked them down. Success so far and all fingers still attached to my hands. ( whew!!!) Tensioner works well and keeps auger spinning when raised, ensuring I can raise the blower to keep from chewing up the grass as well as coming up the drive approach without hanging the front wheels in the air. Ok time to button up.............. Why not make a cover for that chain drive and front pulley in case something breaks and flies my direction........... hmmmm what to use,,,,,,,,,,,, I got it! 2 of these. Stop laughing!!! they are teflon coated so the snow won't stick to em..........LOL. They were on sale at the dollar store for $2 each. I bought 3 and used 2. An absolute b*tch to mig weld the joints, I cursed a lot!!! Now it looks like this. That is the end of this tale................................ BRING ON THE SNOW FOR PROPER TESTING!!!! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sparky-(Admin) 21,780 #2 Posted December 19, 2011 NICE JOB!! Great write-up as well and of course we all will be looking forward to some action shots or videos once it snows. Mike......... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kelly 1,030 #3 Posted December 19, 2011 Nice job of making due with what you have, and not giving up and throwing the towel in, if it works out good, all you need is a coat of paint and call it done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shameless 3 #4 Posted December 19, 2011 Thanks Sparky: I will post video of the first run in the snow. This project started out of need. I live on a corner and have a 2 car drive, my neighbor across the street who is 80 is also on a corner and has a 2 car drive. The widow beside him has a 4 car drive, the widow across from the widow has a 4 car drive. The widow behind me has a 4 car drive. I clear ALL their snow. So on to the math. Approx 600' of sidewalk and 5 driveways. I wore out my first walk behind after 6 years (9 HP 24" craftsman) My current walk behind (13 HP 30" MTD Gold) is showing signs of wear. Now an "ole horse" will save my back and save a ton of time. Oh I almost forgot.... The city is finally (after 3 years of requests) putting a outdoor skating rink at the park kiddy corner and across the street. I volunteered to maintain it. The horse will see some work there as well. Gonna need some lights for after dark...................... NEW PROJECT! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
can whlvr 993 #5 Posted December 19, 2011 good story,keep up the good work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shameless 3 #6 Posted December 19, 2011 Hey Kelly: It was an adventure and I got to use many of my tools including "my noodle". I am counting on breakage of course and wrenching after dark and at 10 below freezing, " oh why not !!" (sarcasm) But I did not give up, OK........ I threw 3 wrenches and a hammer and a pair of gloves, my hat and my rachet. Then realized I would need these things and went and found them. If I would have had a towel I may have thrown that too!!!! LOL........... It was tiring and challenging yet fun! Thanks for your comments. Hey can whlvr: Have you got snow to blow yet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
varosd 1,185 #7 Posted December 19, 2011 and if you have to, you can make cookies!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shameless 3 #8 Posted December 19, 2011 hey varosd: I did mention I bought 3 pans and only used 2 so I can make cookies..................LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shameless 3 #9 Posted December 19, 2011 I do hope you guys are laughing as hard as I am at my replies. My wife says all the time " your not funny" I make myself laugh all the time. I sincerely hope you guys are laughing with me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
massey 118 #10 Posted December 19, 2011 Good job adapting that blower, and I like chocolate chip. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shameless 3 #11 Posted December 19, 2011 Thanks Massey. No time for cookies. I am cleaning up the garage in prep my next journey. My faithful walk behind snowthrower is gonna get some motorization.................. I plan to make the chute and deflector controllable by toggle switchs and motors............ I have a "half baked" (humor!) plan to use a couple of power window motors, some more round bar, some flat stock and the mig welder. I dont see any cookie sheets for this one, but you never know..LOL If it works I plan on doing the same mods on the 312-8. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeek 2,286 #12 Posted December 19, 2011 Nice fabrication job :tools-hammerdrill: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shameless 3 #13 Posted December 19, 2011 Thanks Zeek: She aint pretty but I am confident its gonna work. Pretty will have to wait for spring, when I can tear it all down in the warmth, strip it down and paint it up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
squonk 42,005 #14 Posted December 19, 2011 Should have used muffin pans. If something comes apart the dents from the Schrapnel won't show and you can use the third pan for nuts and bolts!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shameless 3 #15 Posted December 20, 2011 Hey squonk: The cookie sheets were hard enough to fashion into a chain/belt guard. I can't imagine how hard it would have been with muffin tins. Besides they were twice the price! Nuts and bolts are stored on the floor of my garage along with nails, screws and most of my tools LOL!!! I am a pig and my garage is my sty. thanks for commenting and reading my post! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites