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ultrasonic cleaner for carbs

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I just picked up an ultrasonic cleaner and was wondering what kind of solution to use for cleaning carbs?

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I have a 2 gallon ultrasonic cleaner that I used in another line of work years ago. It's been sitting on the shelf since 2005. Now that you have brought up the subject, I think I will try some Berryman's carburetor dip in it.

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NOthing flammable in it. I use generic purple cleaner or simple green.

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Be careful choosing chemicals. Some of the purple cleaners will eat aluminum.

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can whlvr

when i used one from my trusty local rental shop(its not for rent but they let me try it)they said just warm water and dishsoap,i thought no way will this work,ran a 25 year old wipper snipper carb in and the next day i put it on and that sthil ran sweet,id love to have one

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I am familar with some of the larger applications used in restoration and mostly de-ionized water is what is used and it is amazing to see the results.

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Mild detergent is all you should need. Remember in an ultrasonic cleaning bath it is not the solvent that does the cleaning the action of the sound waves causes microscopic bubbles to form and collapse this action is like thousands of tiny little hammers hitting the parts. Most acids will eat aluminum for breakfast and the action of the ultrasonic cleaner can intensify that effect. I have seen what happens when you put ordinary steel or aluminum in an ultrasonic cleaner with a mild phosphoric acid solution it ain't pretty and the guy ruined a nice set of aluminum heads. We use these machines daily in our plant to clean chrome plated brass tooling only the machine is about 10 time more powerful then your average consumer model. Over time it will bore right through 304 SS causing pin hole leaks, that's why we switched to plastic tanks.

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