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Is this 701 worth it???

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I got an offer to trade for this today, if I take the trade I will have about $1000.00 in it.

I am really not looking for a restored tractor as I like to do all the work.

All that I know is that it "runs great".

Will I be able to come out alright if i ever sell it?


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Well it does have curb appeal but I'm at a disadvantage cause I cant see what you can from my easy chair. :dunno: If all is done correct and say you paid 4 to 5 for the tractor then you know as well as I do you will put more than 6 in it for a grand.

The decal placement is wrong, not the correct seat, Thats a neat looking "BLACK DASH" :wh: Not serious things to fix, but things that need to be know. Hows the paint?, Super finish?, Engine? Rebuilt or worked on? Smoke? I would say yeah prolly worth it, but to put it over the top on a deffinate yes would be good engine, good paint, (done correctly) and itranny have new gaskets seals, Battery new?


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Suburban 550

Caleb, I guess it really depends how much you want it. :wh: When I buy them, if it is a tractor I really want, I don't mind paying a little higher to get it. I guess I really don't look at gettin' my money back if I sell and I am buried in a few tractors where I know I will never get my money back, but I don't really buy them to resell. Good Luck on your decision and with a few minor changes, it should be a great lookin' 701. :dunno:

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Good advice guys like I said I was really not in the market for one.

We will see if I can get some more pictures of it.

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... I was really not in the market for one.

I don't know if your anything like me, but everything I have ever bought that I "wasn't in the market for" I end up regretting spending the cash on it. Maybe you have enough money , but if $1K is going to severely damage your tractor budget, I would not do it.

It is a Hobby, if you try to turn your hobby into a business it becomes work! Few fellas actually make money from their hobbies!

Is a really nice looking tractor though, If you like the big engine round hoods Like i do and don't mind the imperfections.

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it looks nice but not for $1000.

i've seen them for less.

you'd be better off getting one and redoing it yourself (as you said you like to do the work).

then you'd know exactly whats been done and overall condition of it.

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nice tractor! If you want to add it to your collection its a little high. For resale theres no meat on the bones.

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I have been watching prices for a few years in my area (Western NY)

and even nicely restored like that, its not worth much more than $500.

(unless someone pays more that $500! then its technically worth whatever amount they pay..

but to that one person only..not necessarily to everyone..people *do* overpay)

If its worth $800 to someone, and they are happy to pay $800 for it..then thats all well and good.

but I think most people would agree its worth somewhere in the $500 to $700 range.

and to me, modifications or non-original parts bring *down* the value..

the mods arent extreme in this case, but for many people, "hot rod" mods bring the value down signifianctly..

so you have to factor that in as well..

but for the main question here: "is it worth $1,000"..the answer is clearly no.


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Good advice, I talked to the guy today & it was painted by a body shop but the mechanicals were not restored as he said the tractor ran fine

I am going to go see the tractor in person tomorrow & report back.

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nice tractor! its a liitle high in price , but if it would make you happy go for it :dunno:

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Well if the paint was done at a bodyshop I'm sure it was not cheap, 701's bring a fair price in good shape, not restored, I paided $400 for one of mine and it needs restored, but in good running condition, That one looks to have about $300 in new tires on it, me I would say it's probably worth near what he is asking.

I built this tractor for my daughter this summer, I did not rebuild the engine it ran very good, I put new gaskets in it, the rest of the tractor was all gone over, I did all the work, I didn't keep track of every penny spent, but it's in the ball park of $1200 with new tires, paint, new bolts, powder coating, decals, cables, batt., seals, gaskets, ect........ add up everything needed to restore/rebuild a tractor, it adds up fast.


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Ken B

I'm with Kelly, it adds up real fast. He has probably close to 450 in just the new tires and new hub caps. As soon as I saw it I could tell someone spent some time and money on the paint. Imagine if he actually DID rebuild the motor and all the mechanicals, I'm sure there would be a bunch of people saying it is still only worth 700.00. I'd say he is right in the ball park on his price, I'd also bet that he is losing money on it.

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well, like many things, "what you put into it" and "what its worth" are often not the same number..

the "what its worth" number can often be lower..

I think it is in this case..I still cant see *any* 701 being worth $1,000..


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Ken B

I have been around plenty long enough to know that you often don't get what have into something. That is why I no longer do complete restorations on tractors. Many people, ESPECIALLY those that don't know what it takes to actually restore a tractor appreciate all of the time and effort it takes to do a nice restoration, not too mention the actual costs. Where are the nice restored tractors like this 701 for 500 bucks? Find one for me, in fact find two I'll buy two of em.

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can whlvr

dont know much about roundhood prices,we dont get many for sale up here,ive seen a few but they wanted 1000-1200 for non original tractors,dont know if they sold or not,i do know id never get what i put in to my c101,but its worth it to me to have a machine that is practically new,engine and all,and the guys are right it adds up quick

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...I am really not looking for a restored tractor as I like to do all the work.


I think that pretty much ends all debate?

What fun is your hobby if you don't get to do the part you enjoy?

Money means nothing, value means nothing, it is all about the :dunno::wh:

But man that isssss a good looking tractor :help:

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It's been said a million times before, it's only worth what you're willing to pay for it. :dunno:

That said...did you get it? :chores-mop:

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