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Raider 12 6 spd brake seal

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Hello Fellas;

I have scanned everywhere for a seal# for the brake shaft on my Raider 12. Anybody know?

Thanks in advance...



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PartsTree.com shows that seal as part no. 100441 (brake shaft seal, 3/4" i.d.), for less than $5. It's in their "Transmission 6-Speed (Plate 3.1) #2" diagram for Toro model 1-0310 (your '71 Raider 12).

That transmission diagram doesn't show up on the Toro site for some reason. :thumbs2:

That seal was used in a lot of the 6- and 8-speed transmissions, so the number I gave you is probably correct, but I would feel better if somebody else could confirm.

Hope that helps!

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If you look up in the top of the tranny section there is a pinned thread with a chart that MikesRJ made up that give's you the part #'s and some cross reference #.. It has what you are after.. :thumbs2:

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