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Hurricane Irene

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My son is a boat captain and my daughter-in-law has a restaurant right on the inlet...

so this kinda says it all:


I'm not embarrassed by his humor....but by the cheap ass plywood :thumbs2:

But I do have to say they had to pull and move about a dozen boats and get his house ready.....which is only a few feet above water...

ED :banghead: :banghead:

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At 5:00 today i was sitting in the living room putting together ebay stuff with dad (storm kicking in) and we heard a loud snap so we shrugged and 5 seconds later several loud snaps and he yells tree so i run as fast as I can on crutches and leap into the kitchen ( with pain). Turns out we were in the closest room to the tree and if it fell 6 feet to the right it would have destroyed the house and i would have been dead. Tree was 60 ft tall and 3ft in diameter. It fell in the absolute perfect place and didnt hurt the house or surrounding trees.

How ironic, i almost died in the living room. Oh well :thumbs2:


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Your trees like you.

Glad you weren't hurt or worse.

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Well, i sit here on my phone, in the dark, waiting for power to come back on. glad to hear you're OK Charlie. Stay dry and unhurt. I have a feeling this is going to be a long, sticky night. :thumbs2:

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I'm not looking foprwards to this... I have 32 acres of heavily wooded land with weak in the knees trees surrounding me from every angle... I expect a large mess and hopefully no damage to anything important. I have 40 gallons of gas that I pumped out of my boat when I pulled it out of the water, my chainsaw is ready to go and everything is tied down... Good Luck to one and all....


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We have a mandatory evacuation going on. They turned 3 roads that go south and east and made them North and west only to speed up the evacuation. Radio said they were gonna close some roads. But I'm going nowhere unless the State Police will promise me a trooper to guard my place 24/7.

Butch do you have a generator? ACE is killing power to a lot of the shore communities around 6pm. Not sure if you'll be affected but it wouldn't hurt to call them..........

Buzz no generator but I think we'll ok. The high winds bother me. And AE didn't

turn our electric off.

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We're 2 miles from the ocean and we didn't come close to getting the winds we were forcasted to get. We did get 5" of rain. 100,000 families without electric and we're not one of them. So we really lucked out.

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Sunday, 9:30 am....no power, but blue skies, no damage and all OK. Winning!


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Sunday 11am... several small incosequential trees let go... one very large clump of 3 (2' diamter trees at base) fell over in my woods... that will make lovely firewood. :banghead:

Pool full of leaves and running over the top... :thumbs2:

Other than that no power issues and no damge... dare I say this has been boooooorrrrrrrrrrriiiiinnnnnngggg :banghead:


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I live in Freehold NJ, however at the moment I am away at college in South Orange NJ...

Anyways, my home town has closed all of the roads, because some roads are in 3-5 feet :D of water, cars are broke down or stalled in the middle of the roads which were flooded, and are now using Carolina skiffs and flat bottom aluminum row boats to get around. Luckily my house which was built in the 1940-50's (the house was built in 40's, additions added in the 50's) by my grandfather only had about 3 inches in the basement which is solid cement block and concrete floor, needs to be resealed, but were lucky as we are on semi-high ground, although I am sure our irrigation ponds which are separated by 5 foot berms and 50 feet of land are now one lol. Anyways I hope everyone else who encountered this storm is as lucky as we are :banghead:

p.s. I called home to see how everything was and was told not to worry because the wheel horses are okay :thumbs::thumbs2: :banghead:

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Sounds like Ole Irene's Bark was worse than her BITE! :thumbs2: Glad you guys weathered the Storm. :banghead: Time for a shot of Capt'n Morgan :D

Cheers ~Duke


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What a total non-event storm for me. Lost power for 20 seconds. No damage at all. Just a lot of water rolling off the hill behind me is it. The big storm we had earlier this year was 5 times worse than this.

Gotta love these media and weather whores!!! They love to build the hype to increase their ratings!!!

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Glad to see some of you checking in safe, waiting for the rest to report in. Good luck all! Its looks like this is moving on without as much as predicted. We'll see!

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First a reqtest. Can I borow a generator from anyone close. Power out possibly for several days. Many closed roads, some have reopened. The house is okay, a little water in the basement. Out of power sinse 1am, nervous about fridge.

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Power has been out since around 11am. Cut up an oak and maple tree that fell across the road - free firewood! Started the generator at 5pm for the fridge. Rain has stopped up here, but it's still blowing. Not probably going to get power back till tomorrow. Huge pine down on pole just down the road.

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First a reqtest. Can I borow a generator from anyone close. Power out possibly for several days. Many closed roads, some have reopened. The house is okay, a little water in the basement. Out of power sinse 1am, nervous about fridge.

If I was closer you could use mine. Glad to see you faired ok despite the power being out!

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First a reqtest. Can I borow a generator from anyone close. Power out possibly for several days. Many closed roads, some have reopened. The house is okay, a little water in the basement. Out of power sinse 1am, nervous about fridge.

I'm not close but the 5500 diesel gen is just sitting in the barn. Your welcome to it


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:thumbs2: Someone?

Glad to see everyone [so far] is safe.

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Operator Posted:

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Gerry w

Vermont was hammered. Seems like the whole state is out of power and will be for some time. The state is dealing with wide spead flooding as well because the storm changed direction and came right up the center of the state.

I am flooded in, all three roads in are flooded over and it's only going to get worse with time. We lost power about 5 or 6 hrs ago, got the geni powered up so food and water is good. (Had to hook up the internet too!)

My principal wants me in tomorrow but there arn't any roads left here. So sorry!

Hope everyone else is okay and glad to hear that most weren't affected much.


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Made out just fine, the power flickered about 30 secs at about 7:30am and never went off. I was even able to clean the yard before dinner. :thumbs2:

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Power went out today around noon or a bit later. Just came back up about 10 mins ago. The first selectman/woman lives pretty close to me so I guess that helps when it comes time to figure out where the crew goes first to restore power. My cousin lives close and he too is out of power. He has water in his basement and has been wet vacuuming it up using my generator to power his vac.... he is here every 2 hours ...

Eariler today I took the kids for a ride down the road to check things out. I was driving the 58RJ and they were in the cart. Pretty good around here. :thumbs2:

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I just spoke with my cousin and he has power back. PM me if you need to use my gen. I have a 2000 w Honda which powered my tv, a few lights and fridge with no problem.

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Thanks Ed :thumbs2:

No swamp donkeys were lost during the storm was there Gerry?

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Just glad no one was hurt! :thumbs2:


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