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The "Big Ten" with a diff. look

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I get a kick out of this tread.

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I get a kick out of this tread.

Well ker gonna kick yerself in the Arse if ya don't place yer bets! :wh::dunno::help: :thanks:

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Oh what the hell, why not. Thanks for the invite Brrly. :dunno:

Michigan State @ Iowa-Iowa

Ohio State @ Purdue-Ohio State

Rice @ Northwestern-Northwestern

Michigan @ Illinois---Michigan

Wisconsin @ Minnesota-Wisconsin

and finally...

Nebraska @ Penn State

My pic in a minute, but first I'd like to reflect on a point that needs to be made, Many have jumped on the "throw Paterno under the bus" bandwagon, and I can't say they are wrong. However I can't help but wonder why the individual that witnessed the abuse, Mike McQueary hasn't been thrown under there too. I have a lot of questions about this guy.

1. Why didn't he report it to the police?

2. Did he do anything to stop the abuse when he witnessed it?

Yep, a lot of questions he needs to answer, but he's probably too busy getting ready to coach the receivers Saturday.

Justice you say?

My pic in this one is Penn State.

I would prefer not to be brought up to date with everyone else. I'd rather just make my pics from this point and stay out of the contest. Thanks

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Oh what the hell, why not. Thanks for the invite Brrly. :thanks:

I can't help but wonder why the individual that witnessed the abuse, Mike McQueary hasn't been thrown under there too. I have a lot of questions about this guy.

1. Why didn't he report it to the police?

2. Did he do anything to stop the abuse when he witnessed it?

Yep, a lot of questions he needs to answer, but he's probably too busy getting ready to coach the receivers Saturday.

Justice you say?

My pic in this one is Penn State.

I agree Jim, 110% :dunno: he should not be coaching that team either. Penn State is sending a WRONG message by keeping McQueary in there. I hate it that Joe went out that way!

By the way welcome back. :wh:

Cheers ~Duke


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:wh: :dunno::help: :thanks:

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And NO!! YER NOT GETTING A DAMN GROUP HUG! :thanks: Were enemys till tomorrow eve about 7:00 p.m. So quit trying to suck up to me! :help: Anyways by then youll be

in the bag and I :thanks: will be in celebration mode :party: sipping Duke's Apple Juice! :thanks:

Cheers ~Duke


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This weeks picks might be the hardest yet

Rice at Northwestern- Northwestern

Nebraska at Penn State- Penn State

Michigan State At Iowa- Michigan State

Wisconsin at Minnesota- Wisconsin

Michigan at Illinois- Illinois

Ohio State at Purdue- Ohio State


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Well I had a lousy day at the pick board. Went 3 and 3. Good thing I'm not a stock broker. smiley-laughing011.gif

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No worries Jim I didn't fair much better............

4-2 for my first picks!

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Not bad Scott...I only lost 2 yesterday also...but one of them was really painful. I know how Brrly1 feels...that had to be painful for him. Anyway, congratulations to Michigan. They are still over rated though...as will become apparent in the next 2 weeks. :wh: I can't figure out Illinois. :help: I was looking for a better game. It will be easy to pick the Illinois game next week, they have Wisconsin at home. :dunno:

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Not bad Scott...I only lost 2 yesterday also...but one of them was really painful. I know how Brrly1 feels...that had to be painful for him. Anyway, congratulations to Michigan. They are still over rated though...as will become apparent in the next 2 weeks. :thanks: I can't figure out Illinois. :thanks: I was looking for a better game. It will be easy to pick the Illinois game next week, they have Wisconsin at home. :dunno:

(Lone Ranger speaking) "Tonto?" -"yes Kemosabe" - "Where were you guys yesterday"? -(Tonto)- " No matter what did I couldnt get my Horse to start? :help: (lone Ranger)-"Yea I know-your brothers over in Champaign had the same problem"- :wh:

Congrats to Michigan-Al

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Anyway, congratulations to Michigan. They are still over rated though...as will become apparent in the next 2 weeks. :wh: I can't figure out Illinois. :thanks: I was looking for a better game.

I wasnt gonna say anything :dunno: But being you want to start Crackin on me Lets Roll!!

Overrated Eh?????..... You Are Funny #1 ~ Apparent Like Yesterday??? If you want to find a better game with the Illini you would be better off looking in a Goodwill Store! :help:


We Cut Um Down To Size! :thanks:

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I had mentioned at the beginning of this thread that I thought this would be Joe pa's last year but i never would have thought it would go down like that!

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Bob...not a problem...deserve everything you want to say. I still think Michigan is an 8-4 team...and that is not bad....better then last year. Who knows...you may even win your bowl game this year. :help: You guys will be a force to reckon with next year for sure. Your zealousness is one of the reasons that everyone wants to beat ya...but if you can back it up...what can you say. My hat is off to ya. You have to agree that they are still missing some things that will put them back as the team to beat. How many home games did you have this year?? I think that Illinois was your first away victory. Two games left at home against two of the possibly equal teams at the top of the conference. :dunno: The parity in the Big Ten is the best that I can remember, I still think that Indiana is going to win one this year...maybe not at this point. I don't get it with Illinois...2 games now that they did not show up for...spoiled any chance for a BCS bid...and even though they are bowl eligible...they could end up sitting home this year.

Michigan over rated...yep...one win away from home...loss to Iowa, who lost to Minnesota and Northwestern at home...do the math. You guys may be a top 25 team, but not above the top 20. I think you guys are benefiting from your name, just like Ohio St. and Nebraska is. Michigan St. and Wisconsin are the best teams in this conference this year...you know it....and I still think Wisconsin has the best talent and will win the first championship game.

You should go back through this thread and see how much we all have had to listen to you about Michigan...all I say is that they are over rated this year...No bold print...wish we could have given you a better game yesterday Mate. Trash talk is expected, but you were relentless yesterday...dang it. I'll say it again...I do not mind getting beat...but at least show up for the game. God, I feel like a CUBS fan...they don't shoot horses, do they? Yesterday was painful. :thanks::wh: :thanks:

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Steve, after Michigan's loss to Iowa last week, they finally decided to bring out their two secret weapons they've been keeping under wraps. :dunno:


These two guys are known for bringing down the opposing ball carriers from "behind".

Ohio State is already making "preparations" in order to give these guys the slip. :help::wh:

And yea I know, the Buckeyes got their azzes handed to em yesterday but I knew this wasn't going to be a banner year for them after all the controversy. Now it's Penn State in the barrel. God only knows who will be next. headslap1.gif

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I thought Dingle Berry is what Luke Fickle was pullin out to make room for Purdue? :thanks:

Yer Boyz shoulda been down town in COLUMBUS getting some Tats and selling some Jersys trying to raise money to buy

another win! :help:

And on the News this week OSU trying to give themselfs Sanctions of 5 Less Scholarships a year for 3 years.... Pleeeeasse like thats going to satisfy the NCAA!!! :wh: Even the guys on ESPN were laughing about that Friday on T.V! :thanks:

Yep, Just read some recruiting news and the SuckeYes are droppin recruits like Flies. :dunno:

Yeah Ole Luke Fickel is making Ole John Cooper look like Coach of The Year! :thanks:

Preperations you say? The Only PREPERATION yer making is with................


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Yup, as usual, way over the top the Bob. But I guess I'd have to be an idiot to expect anything less from you.

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I would say if ya can't run with the Big Dogs do like this guy does. :dunno:


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Ya he likes sittin up on the porch there all right, but danged if he'd eat his supper last night after the game yesterday, so I thought maybe you'd like a nice hot bowl of...

stfu2-alphasoup.jpg :dunno:

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Gosh this is so exciting I cant wait Just to see that Cigar Store Indian SMOKE errrrr I mean go up in smoke! :thanks:


:dunno: "There will be a time when loud-mouthed, incompetent people seem to be getting the best of you. When that happens, you only have to be patient and wait for them to self destruct. It never fails."

Richard Rybolt :help:

"We are all like so many Puppets hanging on the wall

waiting for some one to come along and move us and make us talk" Henry IV

"Waiting"-Al :wh:

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Ya he likes sittin up on the porch there all right, but danged if he'd eat his supper last night after the game yesterday, so I thought maybe you'd like a nice hot bowl of...


Naaaa dont eat that chit, I was having me a Big Bowl of Corn Shucker

Stew while watching this Re-Run on the Big Ten Network :wh:


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"We are all like so many Puppets hanging on the wall

waiting for some one to come along and move us and make us talk"....Elmer Fudd

"Waiting"-Al :dunno:

Waiting for what Al? A Win? :help: There wont be much of a chance of that next week with Wisconsin :wh:

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