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Lane Ranger

GT 14 Wheel Horse gets a workout

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Lane Ranger


thought this photo might stir some interest with the Red Square members (I know Brrly is going to like seeing this!) as it has a double pulley set up to run a band saw on it.

I saw this GT 14 Wheel Horse last year at the coopers booth or barrel makers booth located in the Pioneer Village at the Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis, Indiana last year. A friend of mine took this photo this year.

This tractor is a working tractor and runs the belts that turn the band saw used by the coopers that make the oak barrels and casks at the fair. This s located in the northeast portion of the fairgrounds and right next to the Indiana Blacksmiths boorth.

This GT 14 has been used at the fair for a number of years according to the folks I spoke with last year.





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Now that is cool!!!

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Awesome find and pic!

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Thanks for posting the pic Lane Ranger, that's awesome!

Now there's an idea for the workshop...

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Can you imagine trying to attach that pulley setup to anything else?? That cast grill must be holding up well!

Tom B

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I think I could find better uses with a "hydro"!~~...but if we all like the SAME thing in life, we'd all be married to the SAME woman!

Nope, don't even think about drilling a hole in your GT, TB...you'd probably drill a hole in that plastic tank!!!

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Lane Ranger

Here are a couple more photos I took yesterday afternoon at the Indiana State Fair of the GT 14 automatic tractor that is used to run the band saw at the cooper/wheelwrights booth located in the Pioneer Village.


This was just before the accident last night that happened at the Sugarland concert where the concert rigging fell onto a number of the concert goers. A thunderstorm and heavy wind knocked over the Sugarland rigging onto a portion of the crowd. Fiver people were killed in the fall of the rigging.

See the story link on the Indianapois Star:





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Wheel Horse Kid

Wow that looks sweeeeeeet!

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Just saw this post...I remember seeing this setup there for the past few years. Always thought it was a pretty unique setup, and it's cool to see it on here!

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Ole MN

What can you say a GT14 will do anything

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