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23x10.5-12 wheels and tires

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On my C-chassis, I would like to fit a set of 23x10.5-12 units. The center part of wheels for WH generally are deeply displaced to move the tire outward. On the

other hand, there is a JD wheel that has the center section displaced such that

the tire is moved inward. I'm wondering if that wheel would work on a WH if it were

simply reversed.

Tom in RI

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there is a JD wheel that has the center section displaced such that

the tire is moved inward. I'm wondering if that wheel would work on a WH if it were

simply reversed.

Maybe, but you'd have to shoot your Horse! :woohoo:

Seriously, Tom, I don't know the answer to your question, I think it probably depends on the specific wheel, how much it's dished, etc. I'm assuming you've checked the center diameter and bolt spacing? Is there a lip or anything else on the wheel that would prevent you from mounting it the way you want?

I do know that some of the older International farm tractors had rear wheels that could be reversed on the axles to give different tread widths, so I think on that level it's at least theoretically possible your JD wheel would work. If you're using ag-tread tires, you'll have to make sure they're rotating in the correct direction.

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I literally just did the same thing the other day... mounted a freshly painted "Wheel Horse linen" 23x10.5-12 wheel / rim set from a John Deere on my C160. The only way it fits is with 1.5"+ wheel spacers... the offset is WAY different than Wheel Horse. It doesn't matter if you reverse it either... the JD offset is close to neutral.

On any tractor with a brake band and/or fuel tank mounted under the seat pan, you are probably out of luck even w/ the wheel spacers. The tire is literally 1/2" away from a hydro part and not far from the hydro filter either. No chains on these tires for me -- not that I had planned on using them here. Also, no chance of 24x12-12 tires either.

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I can tell you from experience that wheels from a simplicity will work just fine FWIW

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Tom, I'm guessing that you think the 23/10.50's won't work with WH wheels. I have 10.50's on regular WH wheels on my 74 C160 (ag's) and on my 312-8 (turfs) and they fit fine.

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From earlier threads I understand that the larger tire can be put on regular WH

rims with only a little ballooning. What I'm scouting for is a used pair of wheels

with the 10.5 tires--not necessarily WH--that can be used directly with a saving.

On the other hand, I'm using my pair of C chasses for grass cutting and driveway

grading only. So why do I need larger tires?

Good to learn about the Simplicity direct swap.

Tom in RI :woohoo:

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Both of these tractors have the 23 x 10.5 x 12 AG tires

the ones on the 520 look wider because the wheels are wider 8-1/2"

the 314 has the standard 7" wheel making the tire look a little narrower.



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In the search of 23x10.50-12 wheels and tires, it was discovered that there are

Cub Cadet units that fit Wheel Horse's perfectly. The off-set is just right and the

particular pair that I found (on ejunk) even had the valve stem on the inside of

the wheel ala WH, although virtually all other wheels from CC's that I have seen

have the stem on the outside. CC wheels in this size typically are equipped with Goodyear Soft Tracs (no longer made). The price was right at less than $75 del'd.

Hope this info will be useful to others in the same pursuit.

Tom in RI

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