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Paint Question, Should I Go Factory???

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Over the winter, I am going to be redoing a 71 Bronco 14. Part of me wants to do it the original Wheel Horse, but another part of me doesn't. I like red in general, but there is part of me that doesn't like how vibrant the factory color is.

Is it "sacraligiois" to paint the tractor a slightly darker shade of red? I want it to still be red, but I am thinking something like a wine red or maybe something inbetween wine and wheel horse red. I just don't like how the factory color screams "hey look at me!"

What do you guys think? Is a slightly darker hue okay? Or should I just suck it up and do it the bright Wheel Horse red?


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hey it's your tractor paint it however you want :woohoo:

heck most of mine are faded to pink I only one true red one and it looks out of place next to the others :D

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If you are trying to restore a Wheel Horse to a perfect "factory original" it will never happen. There is no color red that can be said to be a perfect match. Most restorers use IH red because it is close to what is believed to be the original color.

The general rule of thumb around here is to use whatever you like. The color police are not going to ticket you for color abuse, unless of course you do something like this:


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If you are trying to restore a Wheel Horse to a perfect "factory original" it will never happen. There is no color red that can be said to be a perfect match. Most restorers use IH red because it is close to what is believed to be the original color.

The general rule of thumb around here is to use whatever you like. The color police are not going to ticket you for color abuse, unless of course you do something like this:


believe me, I am not doing my tractor that radical lol. I just wanted to take the "flashiness" off the red a little by going with a slightly darker shade.

I will probably think it over during the winter, and when it comes time to paint in the spring, I will decide.

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Since red pigment is one of the most expensive, it is often mixed with some orange. That is why so many of the repainted horses look good in the shade, but have an orange tint in direct sunlight. I used Kirker Automotive paint that was called flame red. It was a nice dark shade of red inside, but out in the sun it looked red/orange.

Now that I am out of the gallon that I purchased originally, I am going to have the next batch made without orange and see what it looks like.

If you are getting paint from an automotive paint supplier, you can ask for a red formula that does not have any orange in the mix.

By the way, the purple color was photoshopped. I wouldn't do that to a Wheel Horse.

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Rustoleum Cherry Red is slightly darker that the IH red.

I like it....


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Here is the color I'm doing my daughters tractor in right now, in the shade it's a few shades lighter than black cherry but in the sun it's a vibrant red metal flake, it has lots of pearl in it so that is why the color change, I can't get the camera to pick up what your eye does, but I tell you it is very cool paint.

This is the same color same camera setting just diff. lighting cloudy and full sun, and yes it's that shinny and dry, in 3 hours gotta love auto paint.



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Dayum Kelly ... that looks SLICK!!

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If you are trying to restore a Wheel Horse to a perfect "factory original" it will never happen. There is no color red that can be said to be a perfect match. Most restorers use IH red because it is close to what is believed to be the original color.

The general rule of thumb around here is to use whatever you like. The color police are not going to ticket you for color abuse, unless of course you do something like this:


dam that purple wheel horse looks good who painted that one ? :woohoo:

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this is what color id do


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Hey Kelly....


That red is really nice. I think I am going to go with a red similar to this:


It almost looks like it has a hint of copper to it, which is pretty cool. I will decide whn I get to the painting though, got plenty of time to mull it over.

Oh, and earlleecliffton, I was reading a thread not too long ago about "military" wheel horses, and someone did a photoshop of a horse that was olive drab with the white star and all, and it actually looked pretty cool. I wouldnt do it that shade of green, as it looks a little to "john deereish" to me lol

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dam that purple wheel horse looks good who painted that one ? :woohoo:

Photoshop :D

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Here is the color I'm doing my daughters tractor in right now

Showoff! :woohoo:

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If you are trying to restore a Wheel Horse to a perfect "factory original" it will never happen. There is no color red that can be said to be a perfect match. Most restorers use IH red because it is close to what is believed to be the original color.

The general rule of thumb around here is to use whatever you like. The color police are not going to ticket you for color abuse, unless of course you do something like this:


believe me, I am not doing my tractor that radical lol. I just wanted to take the "flashiness" off the red a little by going with a slightly darker shade.

I will probably think it over during the winter, and when it comes time to paint in the spring, I will decide.

Damn, That purple ROCKSSSS :D:woohoo:

I like wild colors like that.

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Here is the color I'm doing my daughters tractor in right now

Showoff! :woohoo:

Yup sometimes you just have to. :D

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Here is the color I'm doing my daughters tractor in right now

Showoff! :woohoo:

Yup sometimes you just have to. :ROTF:


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Here is the color I'm doing my daughters tractor in right now

Showoff! :woohoo:

Yup sometimes you just have to. :ROTF:

yeah but notice that he only shows two parts of it, now thats just not fair!!!

seriously though, thats an awesome color there, kelly....... :D

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