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Hot Transmission

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On my 1994 520H the transmission warning light keeps coming on. It comes on after only 10 mins of operation. Now for the things that I have checked- oil level, cleaned oil and filter, transmission fan operating ok, transmission is clean. I power washed it to make sure the fins were good and clear. Don't really know what to check next. I am starting to think the temp sensor is going bad. When the light comes on there is no notable difference in the operation of the transmission.

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Does the trans feel hot? that would be your first thing to look at.

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To feel the the transmission, to me it does not feel any warmer than usual when it gets up to operating temp. I think I will pull the temp sensor and test it. If the tractor had a loader on it or was in use for ground engaging equipment all the time, but this is not the case here. The temp light will come on just pulling an emply wagon.

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That is a pretty expensive sensor. If it turns out to be bad, I think I may have a new one in a box of parts that I have in storage. If you need it, I can take a look on Monday and let you know. I won't be able to look any sooner as I won't have access until then.

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Ok update here, I change the sensor and changed the oil and filter. No more hot indicator light coming on and maybe it's just new oil (changed to synthetic) but to me the tranny is acting alot better or maybe I should say smoother. It's more responsive and alittle quieter. B 100 Bob thanks for your offer but I remembered buying one awhile back. I looked at what the sensors are costing now. Wow they must be putting gold plating on them. If I ever have to replace one again I do believe that I will have to find another source besides Toro.

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