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88-90 312-8 speed

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I brought the horse back home to fix an transaxle leak at the brake drum shaft. Used it for 3 weeks after putting it back together, now it started to leak. I looked through the book on the transaxle, from the looks of it, the seal will come out without having to remove and slit transaxle. Is this correct? If so, what do I use to hook the seal and pull it out? I do not want to mar the surface of the shaft, the metal part of the seal looks like it just barely clears the shaft. Can I drill thru the metal part with a small drill bit, ans use a small screw to pull it? Is the seal butted right up against the bearing behind it?

Thanks in advance for any help,

DavidD :woohoo:

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Remove the brake drum and pic out the seal anyway you can. Many us a dental pick...whatever it takes to get it out. The seal is part # 100441 for under $4 each at dealers.

As to where it sits against the bearing ? ? ?.. not sure. Just note how deep it is inset from the face of the side case.

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The seal is probably snug to the end of the bearing and should be flush with the end of the trans case. It does not take a lot to get them out...they are just tapped in. Yes, some members have carefully drilled the seal and then used a screw or something else to grab the seal. I would buy the new seals first to see what the one in place looks like. It will not take much to drill through it. Hope that helps. :woohoo:

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Like Steve said, David, they come out real easy, and you don't need to split the case. Just be sure to clean up the shaft in good shape before you slide the new seal over it. A light touch with some emory cloth works well. Be gentle when you go to seat it - they tend to distort easily and then will leak.

Duff :woohoo:

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Thanks all, finally got back to it. got the seal out with a little distortion. Got it ordered, should be here in a few days. Next step is order feul pump kit, tired of the hard starting, spinning the starter so much.

again, :woohoo:


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