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Oil Can

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I find myself in need of a new tool..

I now have my 1971 Ariens snowblower, and my 1964 Wheel Horse 854.

I plan to eventually tear down both and restore them..

so for restoration, and also just for basic maintenance, I need an oil can! :woohoo:

(I have been using an old container of "3-in-1" oil, just because I had it handy..but now its almost out, and I want/need a classic oil can..)

I went out to the local Ace hardware, all they had was something like this:


absolute junk..made in China (of course) and didnt even work..didnt work at all..took it back for a refund..went to Lowes and Home Depot..they only have the same basic thing..it seems no one makes a classic old-school style oil can anymore! (sadly, im not surprised)..So I just checked ebay..lots of them out there! :D So looks like it shouldn't be hard to find one..

It seems there are two basic styles..this kind:


I remember using one of those when I was a kid..I think you just press on the bottom to dispense the oil?

and a slightly more advanced version, with a pump, like this:


Anyone have any suggestions for what I want to look for?

size? shape? style?

im just looking for a basic old-style oil can, that works well, and that I can use basically for the rest of the my life! :ROTF:



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for a good quality new one try an industrial supplier such s Grainger or Fastenal both have local stores all over the country or you can order online.

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Remember the ker-plunk sound from the 1st style of oil can? Wasnt there a "trigger" style with a long spout? I think my Dad still has one from Crapsman from the 60's.

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tractor supply carries a decent one here

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I have good luck with N.A.P.A.. Also they can fix you up with carb. kits belts and ignition parts. Good quality stuff to use in the shop or garage. Jim :woohoo:

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The Tin Man left one here somewhere....... Let me go find it.....


That's Classic! :woohoo:

The old ones are the best. Now you have me wanting one too!

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I like to use plastic bottles like a restaurant ketchup bottle or a mustard bottle with the flip up dispenser, jus wash them out and make sure to label it with the contents, solvent,penetrating oil, gearlube, assembly lube, gas, etc. the best part is when it grows legs and walks away your not out $10, besides who wants to borrow your high tech oilcan that used to hold grogeries.

I also like to use other types of long neck plastic bottles "fuel addative and gear lube bottles for starters" for funnels, just cut the bottom off and your all set. if you keep the lids they can be drip proof between uses :woohoo:

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