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Wheel Horse Raider 12 Transmission question

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i have a wheel horse Raider 12 just purchased with what was called a trans problem. My question is does anyone have the diagram or parts breakdown for this transmission its a 6 speed. Or can anyone tell me if there is a keyway in the pulley that goes to the tranny. It seems to me that when i turn it off and its in gear i can hear this ticking like a worn out keyway or whatever is supposd to catch to drive the tractor.



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You can go various places to download a transmission manual and parts list. MyWheelHorse.com for one is a good place.

Yes, there should be a 5/32 x 5/8" woodruff key in the pulley.

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if it does not move when you let the clutch out it sound like the hubs are bad check the key ways in them

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ya basically won't move. Creeps in first low and 2nd low but nothing else. Just doesn't feel like its catching. thanks guys

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Have you checked the wheel hubs?

It's more common to shear an axle-to-hub key than an input pulley / shaft key.

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Ok guys i have some pictures. Left side hub had grease and key way and three pieces behind it between it and the trans. Right side hub key way was good but it was dry as a bone. hub appears to be aftermarket replacement at some point with just bareshaft between the hub and trans. I also included video to help.








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does the shaft on the input pulley turn or just the pully it would be best to take the belt cover off and the belt so you can turn it easier it might be the keyway is shot on it cuase the hubs look good in gear with no rear wheel on you should be able to turn the input pulley but atleast one of the axles should spin also

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Ok so i think ive found the problem...pretty much feel like a tard :woohoo: took belt cover off where i knew i could hear something and as jdog suggested and this is what i found...... but anyway :D

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What is the part number for the pulley that i need? i can't find the manual online



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