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416 Mods

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I have never really liked the flimsy steering on my 416-8. This last winter the steering system failed while using the snow plow. The steering shaft tore through the upper dash panel and lifted out of the steering pinion. Was not any fun when it happened. I decided it was time to use some spare parts I have hidden behind the fence. As I started to pull the hood and dash off I noticed the front wheel bearings were shot and the pin holding the front axle on had broken the welds. One of the spindles had broken many years ago when my father in law had the tractor and it had been rewelded causing the wheels to be out of adjustment, so off came the sheet metal and the front axle.


After pulling everything apart I started cleaning some cobwebs and had two black widow spiders jump out just 2 inches away from my hands. I dispatched them and then went in and cooled off...

I used the whole front axle assembly of the 312 special I had for parts. Now I have an adjustable tie rod to align the front wheels. The black hood and upper dash with the steering wheel fit right and made the steering feel like it should in a quality tractor. It is really solid now. Its time to trace an electrical problem from before the work started and then do some painting...


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