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This would be fun to do

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How about a wheelhorse challenge. Pick 10 guys from the show, Everyone has to buy parts from all who are selling to put one together. Build it and the next day we auction it off running. Im sure we can come up with a great looking tractor. We could put a time limit on it. any ideas?

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How close to original are we talking? Or are we talking just all WH parts?

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just with wheelhorse parts, We can come up with our own model.

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Count me in. I'll even bring a 9/16"ths wrench :woohoo: !

I think its a great idea and if it was a mid 70's C series you would be able to get most parts off anything from 1973 to 2007.


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I like the idea a lot. Chris and I talked about it last week. I think we should auction them off to the teams who built them.... I see a lot of chest pounding going on next year .... :woohoo:

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Could we do it in teams?

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That's a great idea Chris, Would the auction be for a charity?

Are we buying a tractor and parts form a vendor at the show?

Or accepting donations for the build?

This could be good!!! Any charity in mind?


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OK we break it up in 4 teams. north, south, east and west. 6 guys per team, one being team leader. all teams start out with a frame.each team will have there own tools, nuts and bolts.time for build will be 930 to 500. Each tractor will be locked up for the night, and the teams will have a 2 hour time limit for fine tuning the next day.We can have the peoples vote on best tractor. Wild Bill will be a very busy guy.At 100 sat we can auction them off.The money can go to what ever the team picks for charity.Im sure alot of venders will help out with some free parts too, i hope.This is just an idea i had. This will need some fine tuning. :woohoo:

Lets call this the red square challenge 2012.

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Not to throw a wet blanket on the idea, but I would think that many guys are at the show just to relax, look at tractors, mingle, meet new friends, talk to old friends, buy parts, sell parts and tractors, display their tractors and such. I really wonder how many want to come all this way to spend 8:30 to 5:00 working on a tractor and miss the rest of the show. :woohoo: You must admit that the show is really only one and a half days, Friday and Saturday morning. Most people are breaking down their displays and packing up so that as soon as the 2 o'clock raffle is over on Saturday, they are gone.

I like the concept, and I think a charity auction is great, but the show is just too short for an event like this.

Just my 2 cents worth.

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Like i said it was a idea.And no one has to do anything. :woohoo:

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Like i said it was a idea.And no one has to do anything. :woohoo:

Don't get me wrong, I am not criticizing the idea. I would love to participate in a challenge like that, but I also love to spend my time cruising the show, and there is never enough time to do everything that you want as it is. :D

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I really enjoyed the raffle this year. I wish there were 2. One Friday and one Saturday. Even if they are just rusty clunkers. To me there's just as much wonder and delight in the prospect of a bent up sunburned worker. I see Bob's point, however, I also just wish there had been another biggy raffle item. In any case, the show was still great just the way it was.

Also, thanks to Wild Bill for the great mc work. That guy added so much character and charisma to the show, and he stands out there in the heat for hours during the parades - good man. Very entertaining. :woohoo:

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I think it's a great idea but I agree with Bob. It would take an awful lot of scrambling around trying to find everything needed and what happens if you don't find everything. But here's an idea. Have a team of 4-6 guys. Someone donates a tractor, maybe an old beater but a runner. The team takes the tractor completely apart and puts it back together. The work is timed. Have a raffle where people can donate a buck for a chance to win the tractor and a board to put down the time they think the team will finish and the engine fires. Someone wins the tractor, money goes to a charity and the person who picks the closet time wins a :woohoo: hat and shirt or something like that.

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Something like this done with RJ-58s would be about perfect.

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I also talked with Chris about this and ran it by Wild Bill. Here's his reply

Hi John,

This is what I like 'bout you New Englanders ..... ya' like to have fun!

Many shows back I brought up a model 656 and dismantled it to see what team of folks could put it back together the fastest. Well the only team ended up being me and the decal guy Ed Mayhew and we had the tractor back together and running in 18 minutes (it was bet that we would take at least 1 hour).

At the Florida Flywheelers Show I attempted to buy a frame, engine and trans all separate to build a pullin' tractor over night to pull with the next day. The main frame was the problem ..... not finding one but coming up with an agreed upon price. And it was not good lookin' either (ha ha)!

Building one at the show would be neat to try and keep it with in a budget too. But the best way would be to start out with a basket case or one missing an engine or transmission.

Wild Bill in Richmond, Va.

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I have an RJ58 we could use as a tractor. Teams of 2 enter with a small entry fee of $20 or so and assemble it for speed. The winning team gets 1/2 of the money and the other half gets donated.

The RJ should take very little time to do so everyone can get back to the show.

Just throwing ideas at this point until we come up with something

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John we can do the build next year Mike,Tony and Steve. Maybe Vince if he wants..It wont take us all day ...... :woohoo:

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Ok... How 'bout this!!! We get started now!!!!

Let's decide what year & model WH we want to build!

Ie: a 312-8, I may have a hood I'll restore to put on it !!!

Chris a frame, Bob a dash and steering wheel, John fenders!

See where I'am going here guy's???

Each one will have or find a part and restore it!

We all bring the parts to the Big'un and assemble it there!

Should only take a couple hours...then raffel it off!!!!

This WILL WORK!!!!!!

What do ya'll think... a "Stone Soup Wheel Horse" !!!

I like it!


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Ok... How 'bout this!!! We get started now!!!!

Let's decide what year & model WH we want to build!

Ie: a 312-8, I may have a hood I'll restore to put on it !!!

Chris a frame, Bob a dash and steering wheel, John fenders!

See where I'am going here guy's???

Each one will have or find a part and restore it!

We all bring the parts to the Big'un and assemble it there!

Should only take a couple hours...then raffel it off!!!!

This WILL WORK!!!!!!

What do ya'll think... a "Stone Soup Wheel Horse" !!!

I like it!


Made me think of this for some reason :D

Kidding aside sounds like a neat idea :woohoo:

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Ok... How 'bout this!!! We get started now!!!!

Let's decide what year & model WH we want to build!

Ie: a 312-8, I may have a hood I'll restore to put on it !!!

Chris a frame, Bob a dash and steering wheel, John fenders!

See where I'am going here guy's???

Each one will have or find a part and restore it!

We all bring the parts to the Big'un and assemble it there!

Should only take a couple hours...then raffel it off!!!!

This WILL WORK!!!!!!

What do ya'll think... a "Stone Soup Wheel Horse" !!!

I like it!


Bud, that sounds like that would work well. As long as we have guys that want to do it.We have a year to work it all out. :woohoo:

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Bud, that sounds like that would work well. As long as we have guys that want to do it.We have a year to work it all out. :D

It would work for me. :woohoo:

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I have a charity in mind.... Rember Max Nunn?

Childrens cancer/or make a wish foundation .

Works for me !!!! Guy's let's get this going!

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Can we get a list of guys that are willing to help with is challenge.Lets pick a model we can build. Lets get a vote and lets get a list of parts we need.

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I have a "basket case" C81 we could start with. The thing is rusty so the hood and rear fender would need replacements. The motor is gone also but it's a start and should be fairly easy to find parts for.

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Count me in Chris! I have to add that painting it is also an option. I bring my generator which is more than enough power to run an electric obrital sander. There may be a few flys in the paint but I have to say if I were a judge and one tractor was shinny and the other was crusty I know how my vote would go..... :woohoo:

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