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How do you apply new vinyl decals?

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I may not get that far before Thursday but just in case how do you install new vinyl decals? I wanted to ask before people started heading towards the show. I didn't know if you just try to line it up and stick it on. I placed a sticker once for someone on a car but I used soapy water and a squeegee. I don't want to mess these ups. I have two of the silver ones and some smaller white ones. This for my 704. Thanks for any insight you may have, Chris.

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You are right on with the soap and water. I typically use windex glass cleaner and spray the decal and the tractor. This will help with movement and seems to no get as many bubbles. I use a paper towel (semi wet) and push/pull the air pockets out. I just installed one today on the new seat pan on my C195 that I got from Terry. Good luck !!

ps- once on the tractor set it out in the sun for an hour or two !!

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I use a spray bottle with 2 drops of Dawn dish detergent mixed in a quart of water. Mist the clean surface where the decal is to be applied with your water mix, wet the back of the decal with the same. Apply the decal, and position or reposition while still wet. When it is in the correct spot, use a squeegee, (the same kind they use to spread body putty), to remove air and water from under the decal. Squeegee from the center out. Wipe with paper towel or soft cloth. Look for any bubbles and work them to the edge with the towel or squeegee. Smaller decals I just use a paper towel to work out the air and water.

The are many videos on YouTube showing how to do it. Just search for "vinyl decal application".

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Should you get an air bubble in the decal, I use a very small SHARP pin to releave the air and squeegee out. 99% of the time you will never see the pin hole.

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Just one more idea to add to the good ones above. I watched a lot of "Overhaulin" shows and noticed Chip Foose usually located two sides of his decals or insignias with blue masking tape before he applied the decal. I like it because it takes some of the guess work out of it for me.

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Bob had a good suggestion with the squeegy however I have had issues with using the squeegy for one reason or another (maybe sharp edges etc) and it ended up making light scratches in on the decals. That is why I use the damp paper towel. Good luck in getting them on there... it makes all the difference !! :hide:

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In addition to all the above, one other suggestion after the decals are applied. Keep the tractor out of direct sunlight for a few days. Any moisture remaining under the decal will cause bubbles. Allow them to dry completely before sunlight exposure.

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can whlvr

it can be done dry if you you use the tape method and be careful

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I stink at decals. I had a guy I work with who is an artist on the side do mine.


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yes i am little nervous to put decals on my tractor which ihave had the decals for a few weeks.

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Just spray your water/soap mix on both the tractor and the decal. If you don't get it positioned right, just take it off and do it again.

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Horse'n Around

I use a solution of soapy water and a rubber squeegee made by 3M for applying decals. You can find them in just about any autobody supply business. They are used a for applying glazing putty etc but they work great for decals because they are rubber so have just the right amount of "give" in them and since they are firm yet soft .Ive used new plastic bondo spreaders in the past also and have not harmed a decal but now I only use the rubber squeegee.

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