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Primer Info

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There are a lot more primers than there used to be.

Can someone explain the different kinds and what they are for?

Etching? Sandable(aren't they all?) Rust Reformer(is it a primer?)

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I'm not a paint expert but I'll try,

Rust reformer, is for rusty metal and is formulater to chemically convert the rust to something inert that won't continue to rust, Por-15,and Ospho are 2 that come to mind.

Etching, is for clean metal, usually after sandblasting and it chemically etches itself to the metal for maximum adheasion.

Sandable, has a high solids content and is used tobuild up and fill minor imperfections like sanding scratches to get that glass smooth finish before you paint the color coats.

Sealer, locks down and coats/seals the sandable primer in prep for the finish/color coats.

my limited experience is that if you can, use a sealer coat that is tinted close to your final color and seal everything so you get even color on the final product. :WRS:

any experts please feel free to correct me :hide:

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