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C-160 back in the Barn

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I had a thread a while back about my C-160 hydro losing power over time and eventually grinding to almost a complete halt.


I took it to a local retired mechanic and said "Here. See if you can figure out what's wrong."It felt like something was binding up and he agreed. I got a used hydro motor as the Sundstrand manual kind of led me to it and I could no longer roll the tractor by hand even with the tow valve open. All that valve does is open an oil passage and the tractor was almost locked up.

He replaced the motor and not only does the tractor drive again but I can roll the tractor by hand even with the valve closed although there is some resistance. I could not do that until the motor was changed even when the hydro was working

I plan on taking the motor apart in the next few weeks and will post pics if I see any obvious failure in the motor

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You MAY be able to push-roll the tractor with the push valve in either position. However, if you can still roll it at all with the parking brake in the 'UP' position, then you have internal damage to the transaxle. Specifically, the parking pawl. That pawl engages a big gear that locks down all gear movement. When it is worn out or damaged, it will not engage the gear at all. This parking pawl has the same function as puting your car in 'Park".

The parking pawl is NLA from Toro/WH but I have 3 of them in my shop....

if you.... or anyone else wants one... send me an email. EXIT RED SQUARE to do that. my add is:


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I know I was able to engage the park pawl when I set the brake when I loaded the tractor on the trailer.

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can whlvr

feels good to get the horses going again,congrats on here revival

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