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wheel weight on the cheap

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I just joined and was curious of what you all thought of my trial of loading drive tires with mason sand. Sounds kinda dumb I know but for a buck I can load an ag-tread tire in about 15 mins. adding about 60 to 70 lbs per tire. I just broke down one bead and filled the tire as full as I could get it and cleaned off any sand so the bead could reseat properley and reinflated it. I currentley have my B-80 loaded this way and my 877 with great results. We live in an old church and have been tiling and back filling with the B-80. I never have liked calcium ballast and can quickley remove the sand with a shopvac if I wanted. Love all the great topics and info from you guys!! :hide: :WRS:

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:WRS: Interesting idea...I would just wonder about the sand freezing if you live in that kind of climate. :hide:

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Horse'n Around

Howdy :hide:


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:hide: something else thats cheap and won't freeze is winsheild washer fliud. but the sand sound neat. I would bet the inside on those wheels will look like brand new real fast!

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welcome. Dont I know you? :WRS: :hide:

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:) Yes I believe you do know me. I bought the 877 from you a month or so ago. You said to join RedSquare and here I am. Awesome tractor you sold me by the way, it's my favorite so far. Let me know if you want to go to Glens Surpluss to find Wheel Horse stuff... :hide: :WRS:

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No Im his brother in law, he is roscoe 88

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