Kelly 1,030 #1 Posted May 28, 2011 I'm starting a project, but it will take time, as time to work on it is limited, this may take most of the summer, with that said here is some progress. As most of you know I bought a 25hp V twin diesel china made, I plan to install it in one of my C-195's, I'm also putting power steering on it, and other neat little things but more on them as I go, this will someday be my loader tractor, I don't have fancy equipment to build this with, but I know how to use what I have. On to pictures with captions. Engine China V twin 25hp Tractor it will be going in, this was after a test run on the trans to be sure it was good, all checked out I like BIG tires so new meat was ordered for the rear, Tru-power 29x12.5x15 and to except the larger tires wide rims are in order, so I bought a set of new rim shells and cut the centers out of a set of rims to install in the shells. Ready to weld them up ready for color I found a guy near me that does powder coating and had a few wheels done. New rubber mounted, with my son Ryan, sorry for the crappy pictures. Now I can't have them setting around doing nothing so I put them on my other C-195 for now, I like it, need bigger fronts, rears clear the fenders by 1/4" I hope to get more done with the long weekend, we will see. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Martin 2,133 #2 Posted May 28, 2011 rims and tires look good kelly. where did you get the rims from? i have a bunch of auto rims that ive been thinking of making a set of rears out of. back home quite a few years ago when i first started messing with old cars we used to cut the centers out of narrow wheels and get wider rims welded in. seeing that its for a vehicle that is driven at highway speeds ( or considerably more ) we used to get them professionally done. i guess with a tractor if you made up a jig you could set them up close enough. looking forward to seeing your progress for the weekend. just taking a short break while on here, but trying to get a good chunk of the 1054 done this weekend as well....... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fireman 1,022 #3 Posted May 28, 2011 Kelly that is going to be an awesome tractor when it's done! Love that twin cylinder diesel Be careful with those tires being so close to the fenders. SteveBo's son drove over a stick with his C-195 and the tire pulled the stick under the fender and shattered a piece out of it Keep the updates and pictures coming!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DoctorHfuhruhurr 137 #4 Posted May 28, 2011 May I ask where you got your diesel engine from? Thanks!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
massey 119 #5 Posted May 28, 2011 Looks good, nice job on the wheels. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
massey 119 #6 Posted May 28, 2011 May I ask where you got your diesel engine from? Thanks!! Anonymous, check this link. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
refracman 167 #7 Posted May 28, 2011 Kelly, I like your thinkin! bigger is always better! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HorseFixer 2,013 #8 Posted May 29, 2011 Kelly Looks good! What are you gonna do with that Ole Junk Kohler that was in it! :WRS: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DoctorHfuhruhurr 137 #9 Posted May 29, 2011 May I ask where you got your diesel engine from? Thanks!! Anonymous, check this link. I didn't see any specifics in that link other than China. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TT-(Moderator) 1,147 #10 Posted May 29, 2011 May I ask where you got your diesel engine from? Thanks!! Try here: LINK PUNSUN V-Twin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DoctorHfuhruhurr 137 #11 Posted May 29, 2011 May I ask where you got your diesel engine from? Thanks!! Try here: LINK PUNSUN V-Twin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kelly 1,030 #12 Posted May 30, 2011 Thanks TT that is the place, ask for Rodger, very nice guy that is who I dealt with. Had time today to work on the project, about 12 hours was a good day minus the tornado that when though, had to stop for about a hour for that, I'll post more on that in the off topic section, needless to say I will be busy tomorrow with a chainsaw, anyway I started by making the steering control valve mount, I took some box tubing and cut it up to build it, it is very sturdy I'm happy with it, all though this is the second one I built the first did not meet my liking. Then I moved on to the steering arm for the spindle, I cut it from a piece of 1/4" plate steel I had in the steel pile, like I said I don't have fancy tools this was cut with a torch and ground to my liking, the heated and bent, I think it turned out nice, I left it long in the beginning as I was not sure where my hole location was going to be with the stroke of the ram I used. Next I moved on to the hyd cyl. this had a heim joint on one end but not the other, and I needed it to move freely, so I cut the block off, but left enough to drill a 1/2" hole in then I cut a fine thread bolt to size and welded it in the hole so I could screw a heim joint on that end, so now it moves with out binding, and I can turn the cyl. so the lines are not straight down or up. last project for the day was to build a rear mount for the hyd. cyl. I used a piece of 1/4" thick tubing for that again cut with a torch, then I boxed the top, but left the bottom open so I can get to the nut holding the cyl. on, after lots and lots of checking stroke in both directions I welded it up, I still need to grind the weld on top down so the motor plate fits flat. And where I left off tonight, I still need to drill the top of the spindle for a bolt to connect the steering arm, but I think I did ok for a days work, and the tools I had. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cody 277 #13 Posted May 30, 2011 Kelly this is an awesome project, and your craftsmanship is outstanding. May i ask where you ordered the rim shells from? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stigian 1,234 #14 Posted May 30, 2011 Wow, that's a cool project Kelly. I like your "use what's to hand" engineering style :hide: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kelly 1,030 #15 Posted May 30, 2011 Thanks guys. Ian, you know how to use what you have, I've seen you do it,. Cody I ordered the shells from Speedway motors, a stock car parts supplier. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raider12 13 #16 Posted May 30, 2011 Kelly, that is an awsome looking project. I tip my hat for engineering and craftmanship. Nice job. Hope all is well after your tornado? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SousaKerry 502 #17 Posted May 30, 2011 Kelly, what was the donor for the power steering box? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mavfreak 11 #18 Posted May 30, 2011 Kelly I can see where your going with this and can't wait now! And I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this should be the next generation of WH! :hide: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kelly 1,030 #19 Posted May 30, 2011 just got in the house after cutting trees all morning, I'm about wiped out, I'm getting to old for this crap, We are good, trees not so good, I'll post pics later, with details. Kerry the steering valve came from a cub, I have about 5 of them, but this one suited my needs best, with the power beyond port, and hook ups on the bottom, and it had the short shaft that was not splined. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mavfreak 11 #20 Posted May 30, 2011 did something happen Kelly? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C-Series14 15 #21 Posted May 30, 2011 Close call with a tornado.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wheelhorsejoe 4 #22 Posted June 3, 2011 Hi Kelly, I was wondering how much if any cutting will you need to do to have the diesel motor fit within the hood area, also is the shaft size the same as the kohler engine 1 1/8 ". And if you don't mind me asking how much for the motor and what model # is it. Joe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kelly 1,030 #23 Posted June 3, 2011 No cutting to fit the engine in, I'm pretty sure I will be using a motor plate to bolt it to the frame, I have a spare 520 plate, or I may make my own if that don't work, the hood will clear, but I need to move the aircleaner. I'm using the stock fuel tank with a low pressure pump to move the fuel to the injector pump from the tank. The crank size is 1" I bought a pulley from a workhorse hydro with a briggs twin, they use a 1" crank. The engine was little over $1500 shipped to the house, no model no. it is a 25hp Punsun china engine 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wheelhorsejoe 4 #24 Posted June 3, 2011 Thanks for the info. And good luck, can't wait to see it completed. Joe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kelly 1,030 #25 Posted June 9, 2011 Got a few spare min. today to work on the 195, but it was HOT 98 deg. and very humid, I built the tie rod, I used 3/4" bar stock with heim joints, I even used LH threads on one end so adjustment is easy, I made it straight and put it under the steering spindles so it would clear every thing, (in the pic it does not touch the steering stop, just looks it it) I made the coupler for the steering shaft, then I test fit the engine with a 520 motor plate, it is going to fit great, hood clears everything, but the air cleaner, but I knew that I would have to fab something up for that, Figured out all the hoses tonight going to have them made tomorrow hope to have them by fri. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites