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Toro "New" Red Paint.

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I've recently acquired a bunch of that Toro "New" Red paint ($$$). I am restoring a 1979 :hide: , will the new style work? Or would it look completely wrong? Thanks.

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:hide: Its your tractor and it's your choice of what color red you like, and you say you got some given to you, use it!! if you don't like it there is Valspar, Krylon, Rustolium and automotive spray gun paint. The fact that your making a old tractor look good again is the good part and most of us don't mind the different shades of red as long as you like it.

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If you search this section (Restorations, Modifications, & Customizations), you will find loads of discussion on paint color and specifically, Toro "new" red.

If you are trying to match or blend with existing paint, I think the answer is going to be no, it won't match, but if you are repainting the whole tractor, the answer is, if you like it, and it looks good to you, then it is the right color. Most restorers seem to prefer Valspar Restoration Series, IH Red from Tractor Supply. I personally have seen IH Red, sitting next to my Kirker Flame Red, and there is virtually no difference.

No one is going to fault you for your choice of color as long as it's red. :hide:

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can whlvr

i have found that the paint seems to darken after a few years,if you use it out side

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The saying goes "new toro paint, for old Wheel Horse tractor." When Toro bought out WH in the mid-80's, they liked the red color better. So they started painting their new stuff with this color. I applied from both the new toro gallon, and the touch-up earesol cans, and there's a color difference between the two. Hope this helps.

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The 'old' Toro color is different. Is there a Valspar tractor color to match it?

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I restored a c-85 with rattle cans. I removed the foot pad and saw new, unfaded paint underneath. I used this as my test and "new red" was the exact match.

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