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Troy-bilt Horse Kohler 8HP

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I just bought a used TroyBilt Horse Kohler 8HP tiller that seemed to work fine until I started tilling and the tines stopped even though the engage/disengage lever was engaged.

I played around with it and got the tines to turn again but still jumps out.

The shaft that the dis/engage lever connects to seems loose and moves in and out a little. That shaft connects to a lever that moves a coupling to engage the tines.

I'm not sure what could be wrong? Maybe there is a retainer ring on the inside of the housing that is off that shaft. :hide:

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I just bought a used TroyBilt Horse Kohler 8HP tiller that seemed to work fine until I started tilling and the tines stopped even though the engage/disengage lever was engaged.

I played around with it and got the tines to turn again but still jumps out.

The shaft that the dis/engage lever connects to seems loose and moves in and out a little. That shaft connects to a lever that moves a coupling to engage the tines.

I'm not sure what could be wrong? Maybe there is a retainer ring on the inside of the housing that is off that shaft. :hide:

Have you checked 2 drive belts? They could be bad.

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How old is this tiller? I have a mid-'70's Horse, and don't know anything about the newer ones, but I'll try to help.

Do the tines work OK if they're out of the ground, but then slow down or stop completely once they're lowered into the ground? That's probably just a loose or worn drive belt, unless you're hearing a lot of noise that might indicate a broken or missing key on the transmission drive pulley.

Do your tines turn at all? If not, you could have a bad key on either the engine or trans. pulley.

A couple of photos might help us understand, we all like pictures. :WRS:

Do you have an owner/service manual for this machine? They used to be works of art (my owner's manual is over 200 pages long, easily the most comprehensive OM I've ever seen), probably worth picking one up if you can find one -- once you tell us how old your tiller is, somebody here might have some ideas where to get one.

That's about all I can give you right now, hope it helps.

And :hide:


So, is that hammerbeam as in timber framing?

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You need to separate the tiller section from the rest of the tiller. Put a support under the engine, so it won't slam down to the floor when you slide the tiller section back. Look for two nuts, one on each side of the tube coming back from the engine, forward of the tine hood. They are 3/4" or 13/16" so you can't miss them!Loosen the nuts enough to swing the bolts they are on out. Separate the tiller section from the engine by wiggling it as you pull back. You should not loose any lubricant when you do this, unless a seal is leaking.

When you have moved the tiller section away, move the engagement lever and see if the clutch moves back and forth. The clutch in the tiller side is spring loaded, make sure it is free to move in and out.

You should be able to see the problem.

MTD purchased Troy-Bilt , so you mat be able to download an owners manual from their website.

Let us know what you find out, please.

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I just bought a used TroyBilt Horse Kohler 8HP tiller that seemed to work fine until I started tilling and the tines stopped even though the engage/disengage lever was engaged.

I played around with it and got the tines to turn again but still jumps out.

The shaft that the dis/engage lever connects to seems loose and moves in and out a little. That shaft connects to a lever that moves a coupling to engage the tines.

I'm not sure what could be wrong? Maybe there is a retainer ring on the inside of the housing that is off that shaft. :hide:

I had this problem with a machine we bought last spring....

Its a PTO Horse, and there are a few things to try that have already been mentioned here. You can adjust the plate that the little lever sits in between engaged and disengaged. You can try moving it towards the engine to help with good engagement.

In my case, one of the dogs in the housing had cracked, and I had to replace them both. MTD makes a whole kit that includes the dogs, snap rings, and a new lever/arm to engage and disengage the tines.

Do the tines spin again when you pull them out of the dirt?

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