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D 160 Hydrostatic

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As I cut grass with my d160 is it normal at mowing speeds for the tractor to have problems going uphill. It will slow down and even stop on small grades. I push a little more on the forward, usually just enough to get it moving, as it crests the incline the tractor will take like a rocket leaving me reaching for the lever to slow it down. On these inclines it will sometimes lurch and stop repeatedly until I give it a little more on the forward lever and same scenario crest the incline and hang on. 1975 d160, K482, Sundstran 90-11361. :hide:

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As hydros age some slow down uphill speed up down is normal. My hydros take a lot of lever wiggling to keep at a constant speed up and down hill (why I really prefer 8 spds) or wish I had a foot pedal speed control.

Yours sounds a bit excessive. After it is heated up put it up against some immovable object on a cement or other paved surface, it should spin it wheels with you on it. If it does that easily your pump and hydro motor are probably OK and you should go over your linkages. If it has trouble spinning the wheels then your pump or motor are probably worn.

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Thanks pfrederi.

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