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Our first local show

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It's now less than two weeks to our local vintage gathering.


It's the 14th and 15th May and near Haworth, Yorkshire (home of the bronte sisters and the railway children).

Is there anyone local to yorkshire that may be going? more than happy to meet in the beer tent for a pint of old spot! (the local brew - so local it's brewed on the farm that hosts the event).

Currently we have 7 steamers, 17 miniatures, 40 stationary engines, 70 tractors, 114 cars, 70 commercial, 40 motorcycles...

There are lots of trade stands, local produce, lawn mower racing, demonstrations and things to do.



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I'll take that as a no !

The trailers are loaded and we'll be there from thursday... Currently 5 horses booked in that I know of and one Norlett !


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Hope the weather is better for you than it is darn sarf at the moment, its raining (a lot) and two weekend shows have been cancelled !!

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well, we are used to the wind and rain - it's historically a 50/50 chance of average weather.... Last two years we have had tent tied to landy and trailer ! Two years ago the beer tent was blowed down 2 days before the event - the main supports at 9 inches were snapped like matchsticks...

Will post picks of the set up tomorrow and friday.

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Looking forward to the photos

We are on holiday in Yorkshire in mid September, any rallies up your way worth a look ??

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Well its not looking good ! persistent rain since lunchtime...



not sure whats on if anything in september, our last show of the year is Driffield mid August. I'll try see whats going on...


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Cheers Mark

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well heres the first 2 loaded... weather still not looking good <rainy smiley>



lots more pics to come over the next 4 days.... mostly of ducks I'm guessing :D

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Anglo Traction

Hope it goes ok for you all Mark . I sympathise with you on the rain front. I have to fix a leak in the roof over my window as soon as the rain and wind eases off. Have been waiting for over a month to fix it when it dries out. I'll be glad when this (wet) drought is over. Give me the Sun. Make the best of the Weekend and make full use of the Beer Tent!.

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Richard, it's appalling! we are good at coping with rain here, but the rivers are full and the field water logged.

heres my brother pulling the 2nd caravan on site into our camping field.... yes the 4x4 discovery got stuck!!!


on a plus side... soft ground plus new clevis mount and plough equals......



it works!

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Anglo Traction

Err! Are you supposed to be ploughing up the Camp Site ?, or is it for drainage?...Nice bit of Yorkshire dirt there, better than Wealden Clay down here

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I couldn't resist Richard, we trod the sod back and ran it flat - you would never know :icecream:

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Anglo Traction

:ph34r: :eusa-whistle: !.

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  • Hope the weather cheers up for the weekend Mark , if i remember the weather wasnt too good for you last year also
  • have a great time at the show ,
  • Loadsa pics
  • hope loadsa public turn up to see your tractors

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I couldn't resist Richard, we trod the sod back and ran it flat - you would never know :icecream:

Hahahahahaha.....that's great!!

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we had a great time guys - weather did clear for a fine and windy 2 days ! pics posted on new thread !

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Yes it was wet and windy right up to the weekend.

But the damage was done to the field.But as we know the show went ahead.

We had a cracking time.And all the money we make goes to our local cancer Hospice.

Which is manorlands Near Haworth Keighley.Up to now we have donated nearly £300,000

Which myself.Frank.. Mark..Raider10(Ian) are all involved,Planning next years show now.

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Congratulations on making the £300.00 for the cancer charity Lads , might i ask why you collect for this charity ?

Good luck with the fundraising , great idea to collect funds at the shows

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not sure if you read it worng or mistyped....it's almost £300K !!! half a million USD :)

we have lost a few friends to the big C, one in particular who did the event with us up to 6 years ago. :(

My mum has had cancer too, so it only seems right that we keep fundraising.

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Hi Mark oops sorry you are right i did miss read the posting , It was around 6am when i read the posting and i didnt have my face furniture on at the time ( Glasses ).

wow and i was impressed with £300.00 let alone £300.000 .

My Mother too also had cancer and thanks too people like yourselves raising big money she is still here with me today , So i take my hat off to you all for raising an outsatnding amount of money for the Cancer Cause.


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heres our presentation last night to the Sue Ryder manorlands hospice.

This is what made all that effort worthwhile! :)


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Well done Mark , what would this country do without people like yourselves & your team that give so much to help others

hope the money goes a long way in helping those that need helping

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