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'74 B80

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Does anyone else besides me not know that an 8 speed trans won't fit in a '74 B80?

I went to all the work to put a 8 sp trans from a C160 in my B and found that the hi-lo shifter hits on the floor of the tool box/seat base. :thumbs:

I know that the '74 B is about 2" shorter than a standard horse. Now I know where that 2" is missing.

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they are shorter in the nose of the tractor, you may just need a diff. high low shift handle, post a pic of the issue.

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I can't post pics w/ my setup.

The small post where the hi-lo- shifter emerges out the top of the trans hits the bottom of the tool box. A couple inches farther forward and it would have come through the opening where the gearshifter rises through.

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You have to drill a hole in the "toolbox" bottom for the hi-lo shift fork shaft / shifter.

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False alarm! I was being a stupid! After staring at it a long time and taking measurements, I realized that it had to go. The 4 speed shifter isn't a problem, but the hi-lo is a pain and I couldn't find a set screw to remove it.

Anyway the trans is in and my new, improved B80 is up and running.

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I'm not equipped to post pics on this forum.

It's a typical faded old WH that I bought at an auction for $75. The engine runs well and the 8 speed is a real plus. I have a snowblower for it and a snow blade. Now I'm fixing up a 36"RD mower deck. Also I'm going to rewire and install a headlight.

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