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axle go or not

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My Thanks to (stevasaurus) on the great video on trans rebuild.

This should have been under trans split but it has got a bit long.

Well got most of my parts to start rebuild but would like your opinion on the axle if I scrape over with a small driver you can feel it just in that spot if I put the new bearing on and turn it seems smooth is it a go or not' only it would be hard to find a 1 "1/8 axle in UK as Bob has not got one.


DSCF00092.jpg:thumbs: :wh:

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Dan, I think you are OK with it. I have seen worse. I would sand it with fine wet/dry...put a good coating of fiber grease in the bearing and on the axle...the seal part looks good. I think you will be OK. If you are just mowing grass and stuff...for sure.

Let's see what some others may say on this. Glad you liked the video...thanks :thumbs:

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You always give me hope Steve :thumbs:

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Where the seal goes looks pretty good on the picture. If all the rough spots on the bearing journal are below and not raised, I'd say go for it. The seals are usually .010 under the shaft size anyhow.

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Anglo Traction

Hi Dan ,

I agree . It looks useable. The inner contact face for the seal looks ok, bit iffy on the outer edge (axle moves in and out up 1/8"), but should be ok if you pack the inside of the Seal with Copper Grease before you fit it. the minute particles of copper will settle in the pitted areas and reduces the abrasive effect on the Seal Lip....worked for me on several applications.


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My Thanks for your replies.

Trouble is this was going to be a worker and the rough bit is where the needle bearing fits have fine emery clothed it just wondered if anyone has ever had this and it stood up after some time.

desperate Dan. :thumbs:

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