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1 1/8" 8 Speed Diff Question

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Hello All--

picked up a nice unit with a 1 1/8" 8 Speed... Tractor runs, drives and shifts through all gears and ranges just fine. Problem is if you roll the tractor in neutral it makes a "clicking" noise that is errilly similar to when you push around a hydro equipped 'Horse. My question.... it obviously must be in the differential---so has anyone ever had one do this and should I just run it till something happens or should I pull out the trans-axle and put in another unit I have and leave this unit for a tear-down. I'm wondering if I have a broken/chipped pinion or ??? :thumbs:

Any Ideas????


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Try moving the dipstick a bit, Tony.

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Tony...was it the dip stick??? :thumbs: Just curious.

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Hi--I crossed my fingers and toes and said a prayer and pulled the dipstick completly out and left it on the toolbox.... The clicking is still there.... it is definietly something not happy as it is not horendously loud but sounds like the roller coaster when it is being pulled up the first ramp.... the racket that the sprockets and chains make. I dunno.... it will droive me crazy so I will probably pull it out. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY another project :thumbs:


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Does a broken "C" spring in a limited slip differential have the capability of making that noise??? :thumbs: I can't think of much else it could be and still work.

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Cole's Dad...I read your thread (nice job BTW), but Tony's seems to be a different animal. It is only happening when he pushes the horse in neutral, and he thinks it is in the differential. :thumbs:

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If the tractor is being pushed straight ahead the gears inside the diff arent doing anything. Those gears only turn when one wheel is trying to turn faster than the other.

I was hoping the dipstick thing would be the simple fix. Worth checking before you pull the thing apart though.

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...Just my 2 cents, but...

I'd guess (from prior experience in rebuilding power transmission assemblies) you've got either missing/broken needle bearings or flat spotted ball bearings somewhere.

If it were in the diff, you wouldn't hear it moving both axle at the same speed.

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I have one that has been doing that for years, the noise is only when it is not in gear and you push it, no noise when driving it. Don't worry about it. :thumbs:

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Thanks evrybody for the comments and MRM that is exactly what the long time Wheel Horse dealer that is local to me said--that he has heard a few Wheel Horse transaxles making that noise and that the customers just keep on truckin and they haven't broke yet. :thumbs: I guess I will run it till it quits.... or until I am so bored I can spend an afternoon swapping it out. :wh:


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or until I am so bored I can spend an afternoon swapping it out. :wh:


You havent got time to be bored Tony - you need to get onto that loader project! Have you started yet?? :thumbs:

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So I go to the Doc and I say...Doc, it hurts when I do this...and the doc says...don't do that. so stop pushing your tractor around in neutral Tony. :D:D:thumbs: :wh:

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My Raider has had this noise for over 20 years now. I took the tranmission apart once to make other repairs and never found the cause for the clicking sound. But it runs like a top.


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Yeah, mind does the same thing. I gave up worring about it..LOL.

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Gosh I love this forum... this is exactly what I have noted on my newly installed Sundstrand... a distinct clicking / fight that the transmission gives when turning the wheels (when on jackstands). It seems to run well though... but admittedly if it is clicking when running I wouldn't be able to hear it over the engine noise. I'd love to know what the cause is... that said, I don't plan on cracking it open any time soon! :)

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can whlvr

hey wheel horse steve,alot of hydos do click when being pushed so dont worry

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