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Help!! hydro problem

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This is my first hydrostatic wheel horse so I am in new territory, the problem is that the motion control lever is very hard to push in either direction I can get it to move and the tractor will go forward and reverse but shouldn't the hydro lever be easy to move? fluid is good and full and I drove it around for a while to see if it would improve once the hydro warmed up but it didn't help. . I have two c series parts mowers with hydros can I use parts from these if necessary?

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If it's been sitting aawhile the shaft that run thru the hydro control pobably needs cleaned..look by your left leg while sitting on the tractor and you will see a bolt that holds that shaft..take the bolt out and see if it move's better.. You may need to romove and clean.. if you remove it be careful there's a small woodruff key you will need.. also her's a manual for the hydro's look it over and you will see what I'm talking about also look on page 22 tyells how to adjust for tension..


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There is an adjustment for that under the plate in front of the seat.

Oops....too late!!

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