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Nearly two months ago I purchased a pretty tidy example of a Commando 8


This will be my first attempt at a restoration, I bought a can of WD40 and every now and then I give the fastners a squirt. I have a sort of a "Battle Plan" .

Get it going (the PO said it had fuel issues)

Give the engine and transmission a couple of flushes..new oil.

Top to toe with the steam cleaner.

Then let the kids have it with the trailer for the summer (they're building something down in the wood!) this will hopefully find any oil leaks.

Then restoration proper can start next winter.

Anyway I started at the begining with the petrol tank, took the little filter off, found a handful of nuts and bolts and took it for a ride with me for the day. Its clean now!


I need to get some new fuel lines, in line filter, spark plug, one or two other bits and bobs, but I'm off and running. :thumbs:

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hi Rex

nice little commando 8

Kinda like mine

I did a similar thing recently with a fuel tank that was on my Trojan Toraktor.

It hadnt had fuel in the tank for over 15 years and so became rusty inside to i fill it will Pea Gravel and shook the hell out of it for an hour or so untill all the rust came loose. then filled it with petrol to test

And guess what happened?

petrol poured out of 3 holes, so i had to weld the holes up, now its a gooden

That commando 8 looks very familiar , did you get that off that auction site, if its the one im thinking off yo pipped me at the post on that one i think if i remember it was in shropshire

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Hey Neil,

Yep, must be the same tractor, :thumbs: it was the pick-up I mentioned when you were interested in a blackhood, in Telford I think. A fair distance but worth it.

I've no concerns over the fuel tank, its sound as a pound, just wanted to start off knowing it was nice and clean.

The pin in the slot hitch looks like a challenge though, been spraying it, got the hitch to move...just. But its solid in the transmission case..patience I guess.

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Anglo Traction

Maybe worth getting some good Penetrating Oil with Graphite for that Pin Rex. WD40 does not always do the job. Good thing is, you (or your little helpers) have the summer to work it and free it up with use. I have to do the same on the Raider 12, only to be able to keep it free, as my Tranny is fine.....I bet your itching to get started on it !.

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BIG wheels you have fitted!!! would love to see the arches to clear those... :thumbs:

guessing you have linked to the wrong picture???


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:thumbs::wh: Right picture...look harder :D

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Ah yes, the gas tank !!! :thumbs:

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Ah yes, the gas tank !!! :thumbs:

Petrol tank, this is the Euro zone! :wh:

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That's a cool 'lil tip for cleaning 'em out. :thumbs: Thanks for sharing.

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I felt I should update this thread to show anyone interested how my planned winter restoration is going.......short answer...... it isn't. :hide:

It didn't take much to get 'er up and running, then, during last summer the kids used it for hauling "stuff" down to the wood, and as a recovery vehicle for their down hill go-cart.

Lets just say they burnt more petrol with 'their' Commando than I did cutting the lawns and tending the garden with the other two tractors. :P

So when I told them of my restoration plan this winter, they weren't thrilled, said it wouldn't be the same..... "they'd have to be careful" , couldn't I "wait till they'd grown up".

Mmmm, on reflection I'm no hurry, be happy not to touch it for a good few years. ;) In the mean time I get a go now and then.

Its current job is carting beet and concentrate out to the heavy in-lamb ewes, it's perfect for this job, I just put the Autopilot on and then throw the beet out. :handgestures-thumbup:

Thinking about getting a new seat soon...ouch :wacko::lol: anyway here's some pictures. :handgestures-thumbup:





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Commando Eight, 2012 tractor of the year. :handgestures-thumbup:

Good to know at least one of 'em is still in the field, working for it's keep. :bow-blue:

More really great picts Rex. :text-thankyoublue:

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Ewe seem to have quite a following, and not just on RS! :laughing-rolling:

Seriously though, as ewe know, I for one think it's great to see a :wh: at work so thanks for the pics. :handgestures-thumbup:


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Hey Rex Took me a few minutes to notice the autopilot but I'm concerned about the sheep

Just don't look like Dorset's. Another question: Are those suger beets as we raise here in the states

We don't raise many sheep here anymore but the sheep and tractor look beautiful on your place.

Jim in Texas

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Great photos Rex, it's always good to see a WH at work :handgestures-thumbup:

As for the resto... No rush, she has plenty of character :)

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Thanks everyone for not having a pop at me over the Commando, suffice to say it will be used..... not abused. :thumbs:

Special :wh: Jim, you have keen eye , we like the Suffolk X breed, crossing using a Charolais Ram produces some fine lambs. I must admit, I thought Texas would be cattle country,.... to hot for sheep , maybe I've watched to many westerns. :) The beets are called Fodder beet, grown as animal feed, slightly less sugar content than sugar beet but much higher yielding. :flags-texas: :flags-wavegreatbritain:

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Anglo Traction

Thats the closest you Guys will ever see Rex 'Beeting the Sheep' !!!. Great Pics Rex. As for the Commando, if it ain't Broke, just Service it .

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I think it great to see the old girl earning her keep. She's not ready to be a beauty queen yet.

Nice looking sheep as well, as you know, us Kiwi's are fond of sheep :hide:

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Here we go again,

my Commando 8 spruce up is back on, :woohoo: I bought the :wh: Auto 12 and its a hit with the kids, so while they were distracted.......

I GOT BUSY, ;) no going back now. :ychain:

Its strange how you prepare yourself for the worst, then it turns out ok, then, when you expect something to be straight forward it turns out a PITA.

Case in point,

I started with pulling the rear hubs, got ready to do battle......and they were relatively easy. Wondering what all the fuss was about I thought 'I'll just whip the steering wheel off then have a cuppa'.....yeah right. It took me as long to do that as pull the rest of the tractor down. Finally the dreaded seized hitch pin.....and yeah, I got lucky again and that proved to be a non event :confusion-shrug: just shows, you never know. :)

Here's the pictures,








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I was wondering how long you would be able to resist the temptation Rex. :scratchead:

Glad to see your Commando referb is back on. :popcorn:

I too was thinking pulling the steering wheel would be a PITA, I didn't want to chance damaging the wheel with a puller. So, I found that once the set screw was removed, and the dash, shaft, wheel assembly was locked in a vise like you've shown here, just turn the wheel. With a quick shot of PB Blaster, give it a turn, and the wheel easily spins off the shaft. :thumbs:

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As the saying goes.. I love watching other people work! :music-listening:

Actually, its more a case of loving watching other people's work - there's always new things to learn so keep the photos coming and hope all goes well with the resto.


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Looks like your off to a good start, good thing you had something else to keep the kids distracted. :ychain: I love seeing horses get restored. :thumbs:

Matt :flags-texas:

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WH Raider10

Looks great so far! I'm still struggling with my frozen hitch pin on the Raider 10.

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Yeah good to see progress! We like... :)

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