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A big moment in a young boys life!!!!!

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well as many of your probly know i just turned 15 on tuesday. well long story short i had a really good birthday and got a lot of tools. With the tools i just got for my birthday plus the ones i already had i finaly have an excuse to use the birthday money i got from my mom and dad( grandpas the one who knows how to pick the tools in the family) to buy a Craftsman rolling tool chest. So today my Grandpa has decided to take me into Sears to buy it!!!! I am just as excited as i was on christmas morning 09 when i got one of the tool Machanics Tool sets and the metal tool box to put the rest of the tools i got in. well i ran out of room in my tool box so its time for an upgrade. i just hope in the future i dont need 7 tool chests like my Grandpa does but if my tool buying habbit keeps up ill have by the year 2021 as many tool chests as my Grandpa. :thumbs: ok well it is just about time for me to start school so i gusse ill say Good Bye Thanks, Jordan :wh:

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Congrats on all the tools and glad you had a great B-day. Something my uncle taught me when I was a youngster that I am teaching my kids is..."If you take care of your tools, your tools will take care of you" ... You know it's hard to fix something if you don't have the right tool. and it's also hard to fix something if you have to hunt all over for the tool so make sure to keep them in the proper place. That way its where its supposed to be when needed. I always try to keep my tools cleaned to before I put them back.

My Father-in-Law spends more time looking for the certain a tool than he does actually fixing what is broke..I hate that when someone ask me to help them work on something and you send more time looking for something than working. The guy is loaded with money but doesn't own a tool box..His tools are in 5 gal buckets and you would think he would have a bucket for wrench's and one for sockets etc but nope,He has 5 - 6 buckets and whatever in each of them. No organizing at all everything just mixed up, LOL :thumbs::wh::D:D:D

Great to see young kids learning the importance of tools..


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:thumbs: :wh:

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Nice! congratulations! :thumbs:

(I didnt own any of my own tools until I was 35 years old!) :wh:


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I am glad you had a good birthday. I have been buying tools for 35 years. With the way equipment and vehicles keep changing I will buy more. Just a little secret for you though, you can never have too many tool boxes. You just have to have a bigger garage to put them all in :wh: :thumbs:

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I've been building my tool collection for about 20 years; still have my original roll-away tool box I built junior year high school. Nothing like pulling out my originals tools I got 15+ years ago :thumbs:

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Jordan...that is so cool and the Craftsman tool boxes are great. I have been acquiring tools for about 50 years now and have many tool boxes. I know what is in them also. I keep tool boxes in each vehicle, the boat, garage, basement and now at my mom's. :thumbs: Plus I have done the same for both my kids. I know you know the value of having good tools and to keep them clean and lightly oiled. Get the biggest tool box you can get...you can never have to many boxes and tools. :wh::D :D

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Jordan, congrats on the new tool box. I am a maintenance tech. and know the importance of having good tools. Like others have mentioned, their is no such thing as having too many. It is great to see someone your age doing something besides sitting in front of a t.v. with a vidieo game in their hands. Oh by the way Happy Birthday. Ken.

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Happy Birthday Jordan

As my old dad said to me once (LOOK AFTER YOUR BROOM ) , so i did.

I have had that same broom now for thirty five years.

It has had 12 new heads and 8 new handles

Work that one out. :thumbs:

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Congrats on the box!Nothing like having the right tool for a job,that's for sure.

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Happy Birthday, you are only just starting out but glad to here you are going new. I have always had 2nd hand and only a handful of tools I own were actually brand new when I bought them. Keep em organized and clean and put them away after each use and you'll never go wrong.

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Happy Birthday! Congrats on your new tool box. I got my first tool set when i was 18years old and I love it! The best after christmas sale I have ever been to.

Now you just need some more tractors to wrench on. LOL.

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Nice Jordan !! I remember buying my first box which was a second hand one that I purchased off the MAC tool guy that sold tools to the other mechanics in the shop I worked at in high school. It was not a MAC rather a off brand box and chest. I remember buying the liner and fitting it to the draws etc. One word of advise is to go with better quality on the tools rather than buying a lot of junk. IMO craftsman is all you will ever need and they made a good quality tool. Congrats !

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I was about 14-15 when I got my first set of tools. It was Craftsman english/metric set of 3/8" and 1/4" drive sockets. It also include a 3/8" U-joint, 6" extension, a spark plug socket and a 1/4" driver handle. I still have them and use them regularly today !

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when i was 15 i got a new eager beaver chainsaw. i was happy as heck. it ment work but i allways like cutting wood. not too many teenagers nowadays would get exited over tools or a chainsaw :thumbs: .

congrats on your tools and good luck on your tool box purchase :wh:

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Jordan - Keep posting here on Red Square. Print some out and have your teachers review them. You might get some extra credit !! :thumbs:

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Thank you guys for all the replys i got it home assembled it and then put my tools in it. The best part was my granpa told them it was for my bday and i got a $10 gift card so i only payed 74.99 for it instead of 84.99 :thumbs:. looks like a i have a few bucks left and the gift card to buy some more tools!! :wh:

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:wh: I was your age when I started getting tools and 22 years latter I would have to estimate I heave about $70,000.00 in tools so far. that's a lot of tools but I use mine for a living fixing cars but I started out just like you. So use your tools correctly and take good care of them and they will last you the rest of your life. In the time I started buying tools to know they have more then doubled in there value. so the tools you buy know will cost a lot more in 10-15 years. so congrads on your new tools and box!!!! :thumbs:

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Congrats on your new tool box! These gents have given some good advice and heres another DONT loan them out!

My Pops gave me my first one when I was 14 instead of trading it in to the snap on guy and still have it today.(36yrs ago)

Take pride in working with your hands it will go a long way in the lesson of life! :thumbs:

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can whlvr

way to go,its a good feeling to puchase something u will have 4 a long time,my dad made me a tool box and a child size tool bench with all the tools on peg board when i was was 5 years old,he still has the tool bench,40 some years later

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well said everone, and i dont loan tools too anyone exept people i know will bring them back. and if i find im wrong, be man enought too go retrieve them.

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Ken B

Happy belated B-Day Jordan! The best advice I can give is to simply buy the best tools you can afford. I like to stop at garage sales, tag sales etc. I have picked many nice Snap-On, Mac Tools, S-K tools and Craftsman from such sales for pennies on the dollar. I still have the old Craftsman wrenches my Dad gave me 35 yrs. ago.

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Thanks Guys!!!! i will get some picuters up of my tool chest either today or tomorrow it depends on when i go over to my grandparents house. thats where all my tools and engines the Horse and everything els i own is. :thumbs:

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:thumbs: Way to go!! What a great investment into your future. I'm sure some of your friends might not understand, but they will in future years to come.

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