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551 trans

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I just picked up a 551, The first thing I noticed was that the axle seals are leaking there is also a bit of forward backward movement of the axles (about the width of a paperclip) Do I need bushings aswell?

The only #"s I've found on the trans are 2988185 (on tag) and 3800 (cast in)

If I need bushings can the be removed / installed wth the trans assembled and axles in place?

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Some in & out movement is normal.

Up & down movement is what you DON'T want.

All seals can be replaced without disassembly, but none of the bearings can.

If you need bearing & seal numbers, read through at the topic pinned at the top of this section.

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I believe I've found the trans is a 5053?

I have no up and down movement of the axles but they move forward and back also in/out a bit.

If I need bearings but dont do it will the seals just leak imediatly again.

If I have the correct trans model I've found seals and bearings from partstree ??anybody use them before??

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It should be a #5007 Uni-Drive.

Although PartsTree does sell the bearings and seals, your local dealer and/or other parts stores can get them too - sometimes cheaper.

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:thumbs: All of the Uni drive transmissions are pretty much the same. If you have not found it already, here is a link to my rebuild:


As Terry said...you may get by with just the seals...ask any questions and/or post some pictures and we will walk you through it.: Here is a link to the trans manual.:


Let us know. :banghead:

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Thanks for the links.

I'm going to try just replacing the seals and see what happens, If they leak again I'll do a teardown.

How would I find out which trans this is? I see two listed for the 551. Or are all the seals the same.

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The 551 and 701 used the two-piece #5007.

The 401 used the three-piece #5010.

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:banghead: Guessing...but I think the seals are the same.

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cool, I'm gonna swing by a few stores tommorow and see if anybody local has the seals.

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If you can't find them at a NAPA or something...Motion Industries has them...they used to be Berry Bearings. You may have to order them...takes a couple of days. :banghead:

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NAPA's site shows the seals for near $50 each, they don't look right though so I'll check in store to see what they've got.

While I have your attention, anybody know the dimensions for the front wheel bearings? I saw it listed in a post but that was days ago and can't find it now.

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the case gasket is #3912 you will need 3 #1232 seals. these are the axles and brake shaft seal. the input seal is #1303. all avialable from toro when i did mine. the needle bearings that press in the cases, are availiable aftermarket. BR-162016.

made by bremen. the seals are also availiable aftermarket. i just dont have my cross reference info right now. i can get it tommorow if you need it though.


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The input seal #1303 is discontinued...replace it with a SKF #7410. if needed. :banghead:

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Toro/WH #1303 supercedes to a #100441

#1232 is now #100863

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Napa parts....

NOS 7410 drive seal - need one

NOS 9815 axel and brake seal - need 3

BRG B1616 axel bearing - need 2

BRG B1612 brake bearing - need 1

if a 5053 tranny

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