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Karls C160 - The secret is out

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You guys are the best. AWESOME WORK! :whistle:

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We should be thanking you Karl for the time and effort you put into this forum. :whistle::WRS: Not to put any pressure on you, but you only have six weeks until the show. I guess you and the kids will be putting in long hours finishing it up :D

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Hey Coach....

I found something that may have fallen off of your C-160. :WRS:

It looks like it needs a new bushing, but I'll see if I can find one that's a little better.

Now I just need to know where to send it. :whistle:


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DOC in Kentucky


We haven't met yet but thanks for the great job with the forum. :D I am hoping to meet everybody in PA. As it stands now, I am planning on attending for the first time this year. There are just too many folks I have e-met over the internet this past couple of years thru Yahoo groups and now this forum, and I feel like I have to put faces with names. :whistle:

And Eldon, AWESOME job with the start of the project. :WRS:

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nah karl was still a bit speech less on the way home though he did stare out the rear view a bit more on the way home

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seems like this was just yesterday :whistle: .

found it on page 4. the post really fly down the page :WRS:

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Yeah, it sure doesn't take long for stuff to get lost here, Perry. (including people!)

That C-160 is probably even dirty and all scratched up by now! :whistle:

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and I'm still smiling! :whistle:

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Yeah, it sure doesn't take long for stuff to get lost here, Perry. (including people!)

That C-160 is probably even dirty and all scratched up by now! :whistle:

The 2005 Dodge Durango is sitting out doors so the C-160 can have a nice garage.

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4 pages you say? :whistle: Man we sure are getting a lot of posts going. I know it's taking me quite a while to catch up... I was more than a full page back in this section alone.... :WRS:

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Thanks Eldon, I added them back to the original post. :thumbs:

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