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Karls C160 - The secret is out

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Hi Guys, Karl, Chris, and Mike showed up around 10 this morning. Dustin (dmess) also dropped by for a visit.
Some of the newer members here probably don't know why Karl was here. He's always wanted a '74 C-160, just like the one he grew up with. We found one a few months ago, and several members chipped in to buy it and get it back into shape.

Here's what Karl thought he was getting:

Here's what he actually got:

and here's that priceless look, as the garage door opened:

left to right are: Chris, Karl, Mike, Dustin


To see all of the progress pics, go HERE

Edited by CasualObserver
replaced pictures with new links
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He looks happy! :D:WRS::D

(Did he need the TP? :dunno: )

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Looks great Eldon :whistle: ,

I'm glad he's got one now!


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About the most Karl could come up with was: "I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say!" he was pretty much speechless! Very cool to see his reaction considering he wasn't expecting quite this much. Hats off to all those who pulled this "secret" off. I didn't know much about the back story, but it sure was fun to see the outcome.

Karl, Chris, Mike, it was nice to meet all of you and put faces with the avatars. :whistle:

Eldon, thanks for the heads up and inviting me down. You might get tired of me now that I know how to find your place! :WRS:

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Congrats Karl! Now finish it off with pride!! :whistle:

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Very cool Eldon...thanks for all your hard work & everyone that participated!! :whistle:

Karl enjoy your new ride....we enjoy this site that much! :WRS:

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Well, Karl ought to be getting home about now. He said he was having trouble explaining to his wife why he would go 4 hours from home to pick up a rusty old tractor. :WRS: I wish I could listen in while he tries to explain this !

Good thing I sent a note along..... :D :whistle:

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Man, I wish I could have been there. Fellas, Karl emailed me yesterday stating he almost backed out a couple of times. I tried to reassure him without spilling the beans - I bet he's glad now he went through with it. :whistle:

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Actual words will be coming soon, for now all you guys are :whistle: GREAT! I really can't believe what you've done, and I still don't have the words yet. More to come....

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Actual words will be coming soon, for now all you guys are :whistle: GREAT! I really can't believe what you've done, and I still don't have the words yet. More to come....

Don't waste time talking, get out there and enjoy your new tractor!

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That's just--RIGHTEOUS!!


No other words needed!!

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Nice job! I'm impressed. What a difference! I'm not sure I'd have any words to say either. I'm sure he got a few good stares from fellow horse lovers as they drove home. Congrats Karl!

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I had one of those "do you think it's worth the trip" questions from Karl too.... :D

I buttered it up the best that I could without letting anything slip. :dunno:

Now I'm thinking..... :whistle:

If this would have been a group of women, chances are he'd have know before Eldon left for Missouri. :WRS: :D

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Very cool Eldon...thanks for all your hard work & everyone that participated!! :whistle:

Karl enjoy your new ride....we enjoy this site that much! :D

stephen says it all :D . im glad to be apart of it, wish we where all there.

great job eldon and :WRS: congrats karl on your new tractor.

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well all home safe now man karl had that c-160 tied down :whistle:

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YAWN :WRS: ....Can I go to sleep now? Chris you can stay up since you slept plenty on the ride home. Heres what Chris looked like on the way back :whistle: .


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Thanks Eldon, great job. The look on his face is priceless.

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To all RedSquare members,

To say that "I can't believe that you have done this is" an understatement. Planning and pulling this off without me suspecting a thing was a great achievement.

Many of you know the story of my quest for a C-160 Automatic, preferred to be a 1974. When I was young, my Dad bought this model/year Wheel Horse brand new. I used that tractor to mow the lawn every week until I left home. My Dad passed away in 1991, the house was sold and the tractor went to my brother.

When I bought my house, the first thing I did was get myself a Wheel Horse. The C-160's were long discontinued, but that is what I wanted. I ended up with a 416-H which is an awsome machine as well. For the past 2 years though I have been looking to get that C-160 Automatic back in the stable. The closest I came was a C-120 which I had full intention of restoring.

The C-160 that you, the members of this great forum, chipped in to buy and fix up has left me speechless. First because I am overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of people who share similar interests. Second is the nostalgic emotional ties to this tractor and finally having one of my own.

I now know that many of you have contributed to this astounding accomplishment, and my sincere Thank You goes out to each and every one of you. I am especially thankful to Eldon who's craftsmanship and perfection tied this all together to present to me the finest C-160 I have seen since my Dad brought home his in 1974.

Many people can say that they belong to the best forum, but I can prove it, and I intend to prove it as often as I can by showing off this magnificent machine to all who will look and listen. I am proud to be a member of this forum, and more so to have friends who would sacrifice time and expense to provide this gift to me.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart and I promise to be there for all of you as you are here for me.


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:whistle: of him acctualy rideing it and enjoying the fun of haveing such a beautiful machine.

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Now that is a Cool thing to do for soembody. Great forum, and great members indeed!

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Karl I can only imagian the memorys that will be flooding you thoughts when you use this machine to mow your lawn the first time, you'll be reeling from them. Just don't run over that rose bush!!!! :whistle:

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Karl, I am glad that I could be a part of this event for you. :D Yes, the members of this forum are THE BEST ! I have not been a member that long, but I will be a member for life. Enjoy your new tractor.

And Eldon, what can I say :D , you are the best :whistle::WRS: .

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You guys rock :whistle:

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Hi Guys, I want to thank you all for the compliments, but in the bigger picture, there were 18 members that came together to make this happen. I was just lucky enough to put the shine on it. Without all of the donations of $$ and parts, we could have never made this happen.

From the time Karl and I first talked about this tractor, he wanted something that he could work on with his kids, and share some quality time with them. My goal was to present him with something that had a good start on it, without taking away from what he wanted. After he told me that painting was "not his thing", that got my mind going. I think we have accomplished this, and that's the reason that we didn't do every little detail on it. He still has plenty to tinker with: painting the wheels, painting the engine covers, hydraulic cylinder & valve, replace the seat, etc. etc.

The extra $ in the "Karl Fund" was also given to him yesterday, to help continue the progress on his dream. I also can't wait to see it when it is completely finished.

All we did was hand you the ball, coach, it's up to you to run with it.....

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