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C81/Lawn Ranger Transaxle

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Has anyone installed a C81 transaxle into a lawn ranger. I have a lawn ranger with a hit&miss engine. I'm afraid the explosive firings of the engine are going to hurt the small transaxle. I have a C81 sitting around that I was going to trade off, but if the transaxle can be utilized in the lawn ranger I will keep at least part of it. This is custom, so axle width and tire height won't bother me. I would go out with a tape measure and check for myself, but due to installing a new storage building late in the season and it not being complete stuuf is burried deep elsewhere.

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It will bolt in, the C-81 is a 8 speed trans, with a high and low range, you will need to redo the brake linkage, and if you still have the dash tower on drill a hole for the high low range shifter, and maybe modify the shifter.

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just me

Would like to see a picture of it with that engine on there :banghead:

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Yep...I second the we want pictures. A video with it running would be even better. Thanks :banghead:

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