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Case 444 Hydro

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My father just picked up a nice mid 70s Case 444 Hydro tractor with snow cab, snow plow, mower deck, and snow thrower.

I think there may be a problem with the Hydro though. When the tractor is moving forward or reverse, if I move the "drive lever" to the "neutral" position too quickly, the rear wheels will completely lock up causing the tractor to skid to a stop. Is that normal? It's very touchy meaning that even if the lever is slowly put into "neutral" the wheels will still skid since the tractor is kinda large and has a lot of momentum when moving.

PS. I know there is technically no neutral on a hydro rear end but you all know what I'm talking about :banghead:

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Ken B

Just curious, did this machine come out of New Hampshire?

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Not that I know of but maybe. My dad bought it from a guy at work (near Norwich, Connecticut) for $600!!


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My father just picked up a nice mid 70s Case 444 Hydro tractor with snow cab, snow plow, mower deck, and snow thrower.

I think there may be a problem with the Hydro though. When the tractor is moving forward or reverse, if I move the "drive lever" to the "neutral" position too quickly, the rear wheels will completely lock up causing the tractor to skid to a stop. Is that normal? It's very touchy meaning that even if the lever is slowly put into "neutral" the wheels will still skid since the tractor is kinda large and has a lot of momentum when moving.

PS. I know there is technically no neutral on a hydro rear end but you all know what I'm talking about :banghead:

The Case & Ingersol tractors are not hydrostatic, they are hydraulic drive.

Sounds like a problem with the direction control linkage at the drive control valve?

Or could be one side of the control valve itself is sticking.

They use a hydraulic system like a front end loader.

Only instead of lift cylinders your valve controls the speed of the wheel motor.

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That is a great machine-a real workhorse. BEFORE you try driving it down any hills you may want to find out if it has a "holding valve". If it does not, that machine ill free wheel and that is NOT fun.

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