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Does anyone have a diagram of lift lever?

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My buddy has a 518-H and I am trying to describe to him how the lift lever works. His push buttom will not move aa he was finishing up plowing yesterday. He is not a mechanical guy. If you have a diagram that would help. Thanks-

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Ignore the red "paint". It was used elsewhere. :banghead:

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Thank TT.

I went over to my friend's house this morning to see why it would not catch the detent when it was lifted. Looks like the left side collar or bearing if you will where the rockshaft goes through the tower is either broken or loose. If that flanged piece suppose to be part of the tower or pressed in plain type bearing? Looks like it can either be replaced or welded?

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It's a flanged bushing that "presses" into the hoodstand, Steve.

P/N is 106269 and you might as well do both sides while you're there. (same bushing)

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I assume these can be removed and pushed in without an actual press right?

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That is correct - no press needed.

You can use a long drift / punch to pop them out from the opposite side.

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