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starter bench test

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Does anyone here know the correct way to bench test a starter?? I have to admit, that I do not, and I do not want to guess. :banghead:

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Just hook your charger or battery possitive to the possitive post on starter. Then touch the negative to the starter housing. It should kick over. If the charger is a small one it my not have enough amps to turn it over.

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Clamp it in a vise first. Those motors have a bit of kick.

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Steve I know your a do it myself kind of guy. But autoparts store should check it for free, That way you will know if its drawing to many amps or dragging excessive.

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hook your charger up. then put the positive on the post clamp the the negitve on what ever you can that does not move then hold it down on a desk or clamp it in a vise than turn on charger if id does not kick then its bad! hope this helps! :banghead:

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Even if it turns using this method, does not mean it is good, chances are good that it is, but with a load like turning a engine with compression might show bad brushes, or other issues.

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Just hook a battery to it if it kicks pretty good its prob good.Its not that technical,it either works or it don't.

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Thanks guys...kind of thought that was the way it worked. Think I will try Cliff's idea first and take it to an auto parts store...then do the vise and battery thingy. :banghead:

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