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Rust prevention

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Save Old Iron

direct answer is no - haven't seen or tried it

but it almost sounds like an advertisement for WD40.

The word I was looking for in the advertisement was rust CONVERSION and I didn't get the sense this converts RED rust into BLACK rust/ oxide.

Red rust has free oxygen molecules in it that allows the free oxygen to migrate to new metal and start rusting away the new metal also.

Rust CONVERTERS like phosphoric acid chemically "steal away" the free oxygen molecules from the red rust and convert it to black, oxygen free rust / oxides. No more free oxygen around, no more active rusting.

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Here's an interesting product I was turned onto today. I've never heard of it before and I haven't had the chance to try it yet but based on the hype I'm reading here, I think I'm gonna give it a try. It'll be interesting to see if it lives up to the manufacturers claims. If nothing else, it might be a good product to help stave off those little electrical gremlins that like to pop up from time to time. :ychain:


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The Gibbs stuff looks pretty interesting. I have a couple motorcycles and scooters I'd like to try this on.

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