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Commando 8

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Well the time has finally come for me to get my hands really dirty and attempt my first restore. Dad and I have had many that we have wanted to tackle but decided that this one will be our first together. I am sure this will be a very long process due to schedules and the fact that the tractor is located over in his barn. We have decided to do this one first as we have heard that the rumor for the 2012 feature tractor will be the Commando 8. The goal is to get this one done as well as our other Commando 8 and have a father and son line up at our first Arendtsville show. Please be patient with the progress as we will try and update as much as possible.

You have no idea on how excited I am to get this project rolling. We are hoping to have a finished machine that we can be proud to show! We will be looking for support, advice (trust us many pictures will be taken), a filter for the cuss words, and hopefully some :) and some :thumbs: when we are done!

Here is what we are starting with..............


Stay tuned and stay patient! :wh:

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Best of luck to you and your father on the restore... Sounds like it will be a great project!!!

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Sounds like a good time Scott I remember you talking about this at the m&g looking forward to more pics!! :thumbs:

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Looks like a great canidate Scott!! Can't wait to see the progress pics!! Sounds like a great way to spend time with your father!! :thumbs:

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Thanks guys I am really looking forward to it.

One problem though.........

I stopped by and went through the barn on Sunday afternoon and there sat the Commando 8 ready for it's restore. I stopped by to see Mom and Dad on Tuesday afternoon and I walked in the barn and almost fell flat on my face. The Commando 8 was completely disassembled down to just a frame sitting on jack stands. The only thing hanging off of the frame was a drive belt pulley and the brake band assembly! :)

I said what in the heck!?!?!?! Dad replied "You told me to get on it, so I did!" So needless to say we are moving forward ready or not! Will post a picture of what I walked in to when I get home!

For now it is just a long night of parent/teacher conferences here at the school. :thumbs:

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i'm looking forward to your progress pics Scott, sounds like your dad is ready to go.

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intrested in seeing it done in progress :thumbs:

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Well as I said he wasn't messing around. Couldn't even get a chance to get some progress pics of the tear down. Here is what I was suprised with......


Now as we all know from a restore this is the fast part. He likes to pay attention to detail so things will slow down and be done right.......or done the way we know best. I will keep you updated.

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Scott...looks like your dad was sitting on that seat on wheels and just went around the tractor once and done. :) Great project.

:) Is that dirt and grease on the floor??? :wh:

Was great talking with you this morning...thanks. :) Have fun. :thumbs:

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He didn't miss a beat Steve! And yes there is dirt and grease on the floor.........dang mice! :thumbs:

It was good chatting with you as well!

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I recognize that WH and that nice, clean floor!!! Good for you and your dad!!! I wish my dad lived closer. We'd do a restore too. After meeting your dad, I can tell that if you tell him to get started, he's going to get started! Good luck !!! I can't wait to see the pictures!

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Your off to a good start. :thumbs: If you pick up a can of engine degreaser and haul the parts to a car wash, it saves a lot of scrubing and scraping.


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Suburban 550

Good Luck with the restoration, Scott. :) Looking foward to meeting you and your dad at the show. :thumbs:

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Thanks guys for the comments and the tips!

Tom hopefully this can come out as nice as the restore you just finished!

Ray...........hopefully we will have this beast in attendance at the show in a year and a half! Maybe it's twin will make the trip as well! :thumbs:

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I'll be watching this post develope, and am excited for you as well. Good luck! :thumbs:

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good luck :thumbs:

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pachience is the key

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Well haven't been able to make much progress as of yet. Basketball season is in full swing........my boys are 3-0 :thumbs:

Dad has been tied up as well as mom has fallen and broken her arm. :) She is back on the mend once again.

A friend had their tractor sandblasted and powder coated and it looks sweet! The shine is really nice. Once we get a few small things prepped on the tractor we will be taking it over to be blasted and powder coated.

Will keep you guys updated!

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I stopped by to see Mom and Dad on Tuesday afternoon and I walked in the barn and almost fell flat on my face. The Commando 8 was completely disassembled down to just a frame sitting on jack stands. The only thing hanging off of the frame was a drive belt pulley and the brake band assembly!

The only thing wrong with that is because you didn't disassemble it, it's going to be harder to know where everything goes when you start to reassemble it. :thumbs:

Just keep Dad handy and hope he remembers. :)


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Scott, don't worry about what Bob said. When you get the powder coating done, the Commando will be so excited it'll just reassemble itself! :thumbs: Seriously though, I have two Commando 8's in the garage, so if you need pics of any area that memory stalls on, I'd be happy to post them here for you. Just shoot me a PM.


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Sorry to hear of your Mom's fall Scott, hope she has a speedy recovery. Sounds like you're off to a good start with your team, good luck the rest of the season.

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Dang Scott you can't take your mom anywhere... :thumbs: Hope she is doing ok with the arm and its not as bad as her leg was... Give her a big roll of bubble wrap for Christmas!!!

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Thanks Jim..........I actually have two Commando 8's in the barn as well so I will have an easy reference point to go by. I still might shoot you a pm if we get in a pinch.

Thanks Denny and Gene........hopefully this will be a much shorter recovery time than the leg was. No bubble wrap but possibly training wheels! :thumbs:

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Well a couple months later and everything is still sitting in boxes. Dang I wish we had a welder. Of course the guy that was going to help with welding has been tied up because of his wife having an emergency surgery. She is doing great and is recovering. We don't mind being patient for that.

I guess it doesn't help that we are tearing apart a C-161, an E-81, an A-81.......all at the same time.

Getting this ready for the 2012 show will be a chore at this rate. :thumbs: Things will start falling in to place for us very soon I am sure. Until then I will wait to share some new pictures when we can get them for ya! :thumbs:

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First of all, I hope that you mother is healing up okay. I have a 1968 Command 8 that is currently being used for snowblowing. I have a 1967 607 that I have torn apart. I am now in the process of sanding the frame and body parts. Good luck with your tractor!!!

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