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418-C won't turn over

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I partially disassembled my 418C, model 41-18KE01, initially to replace a hydro line. I was getting over my head, and never did get the line replaced (I just use it for plowing and can live with the leak).

Anyway, while taking it apart, i noticed the trans belt was worn very bad, so i replaced it. My neighbor, who is more of a mechanic than i, suggested i remove battery till i was done, which i did.

Tractor was in parts for a couple weeks till i got my belt and put it back together. But now it won't start. Lights come on, and guages on dash work, but the starter will not turn over. I double checked the PTO which prevents starting when engaged, and the seat "kill" switch. Any ideas what i did wrong?

THanks, much, really appreciate your help - my wife is getting a big kick out my trying to be a mechanic - :)


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Does the brake pedal need to be pushed for starting? I had a 418 but cant remember if it needed to be pushed or not. Or maybe mine was bypassed :) ?


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WH nut

Make sure you didnt knock the wires loose on the Ign. switch when you were messing with the battery, also the clutch switch is a good guess also

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THanks Mike, You're correct - the 418C does need the brake depressed to start, but alas i had already tried that too.

Rick, I'm hoping you're correct. I'll take a close look at the ignition. I didn't look too closely at that before, because ignition must be "on" for the lights to work, and they do. But a second look won't hurt - thanks,


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Sounds like one of the safety switches, recheck those. Make sure your battery cables and terminals are clean and tight too since you removed them from battery. I have a 418C also and every once in a while it will do nothing when I go to start it, just haven't got to it to find out why, bad ground maybe.

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WH nut

And make sure the battery is hooked up right

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