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200 Series Snowblower Restoration

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I'm restoring a 200 Series Snowblower that i got for $150. It seems to be in decent shape and all of the parts move freely, so now its just a matter of me getting rid of rust and making it look purdy again. :)

Here is what it looks like right now. Kinda rusty, ehh?




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Hope you work fast snow is not far off.

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OK, so here is what I have done. Sunday night I clean up a nice spot on the bench in the garage so I could work on the snowblower.

Monday night, after 9pm, I went into the garage and decided to get a head start and take everything apart. Wow, that was a little harder than I thought. It seems like the blower did way more sitting around than actual use, so several bolts were rusted on and some pulleys were also. After much wacking, PB blaster, and plan determination I got everything apart say for two bolts and one plate holded the auger onto the bucket. Well, I wrapped the plate in a chain, hooked my cum-a-long to the overhead rafters in the garage and then lifted the whole snowblower about two inches of the ground. I then took my 5lb sledgehammer and gave the bucket two good wacks and poof the plate came off. I then took my grinder to the two large rusted bolts and grinded them off. HEHE. The whole thing is apart now say for two bearings on a shaft but that i can put in the vise and get them off, so i can clean the shaft and put new bearings on it. Wow, I had a fun two hours. Now its time to start the derusting everything and slowly put it back to together with a new coat of paint.

I will post some pictures tonight of what it looks like now and then I will try to work on derusting everything. The only issue that I'm having is the lack of time since I work full-time and go to school full-time. So, I don't know how much will get down this week.

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Here are the before and after shots of the de-rusting process:




After pictures:





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Here is the work today that i did for the undermount rail system that the blower will attach to. I made 5holes is each part so I can have 5 in of ajustment in the whole rig, as i don't have the exact messsurements as I couldn't hock up the belt to the blower and such.

The Helper:


The rear:


There will be a metal weight box going on the end also, so that why it looks not complete.

The front mount hocked up the mower deck mount:


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OK, so I was able to paint up the snowblower and all of its parts. I hope it will look nice when its all together. I also finally got my bearing in, so I will be putting ti back together soon.

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Horse'n Around

That looks like a fun project. Im looking forward to see pics of it painted. :)


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Ok so here are all of the pieces painted. I know, it came out a little bright. LOL



And here is it about 80% complete. I got all of the hard stuff done. :)



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OK guys so I bolted most of the stuff together and got the rest in place for a photo shoot. Here is what it should kind look like. I will be getting a new belt, as the standard belt is 17in to long. I needed a 110inm belt. So, I ordered one and I'm hoping it will fit. :USA: I'm also going to get some steel cable and use that to lift the snowblower up. (It will take the place of the green bungie.:) Lastly, the weight box itself is about 60pounds, so i will not be placing much in it for weight. Overall, what do you guys think? Will it work? Any issue that need to fixed? Thanks.






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Horse'n Around

Hey, that turned out really good. As for how it will work, Im sorry to say that I cant help you with any advise pertaining to snowblowers due to being born and raised in Az but Im sure someone that knows something about them will reply.

Good work in it!


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