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Is it me or the linkages?

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I spent the afternoon running the 92 520-H. I wasn't that happy with the hydro control, especially compared to the C161-H. The C control seems much smoother and less sensitive to movement. I knew the 520 was a little jerky, so before I started running it, I pulled the center cover, cleaned around the linkage, tightened the bolt that connects the front linkage to the back linkage to remove any slop, adjusted the neutral and the tension. I was running the tiller, so I was light on the front, but every time I moved toward reverse, it was at a faster rate than I expected and shifting from reverse to forward very easily brought the front off the ground (with the tiller up). I am probably exaggerating here, but my point is the C161-h just seems to be a lot smoother as well as faster in forward and reverse. I haven't worked the 1989 520-h that much, I am wondering now if it is more like the C or the 92 520. I must admit I am more partial to 8 speeds, so my bias may be showing!! Is it me or the differences in linkage on the hydros?

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Let's not forget you dealing with two different hydro units. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the c-161 is a sunstrand- and your 520 is an eaton. Maybe that is the difference. It could be your c-161 is a little worn and less sensative to movements of the lever. Thats my .02 cents, but I have been told before that I'm full of Sh%t!! :) I used to be partial to 8 speeds myself, but the hydro is the way to go if your not trying to pull out tree stumps. Also, I really dont care for useing a tiller on a hydro. I've noticed that the tiller will "push" the tractor, whereas the 8 speed will hold a steady speed.

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Brian, I agree with using the 8 speed on the tiller. I was actually de-thatching my yard after over seeding using spring teeth on the tiller shafts, so the pushing wasn't that much. I was just tying out the 520-h and found myself wishing I had used the C161.

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Do you have a picture of the spring teeth on the tiller? Now you have me curious :) I have never seen a setup like that, and would like to see what you came up with. Sounds pretty cool. :USA:

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Bryan, it took me a few days, but here are the pictures.

Last year I tried over seeding my yard with a rented slit seeder. If you are not familiar with them, slit seeders drop the seed on the ground in front, followed by solid teeth that put a 1/4 inch slit 2 inches apart in the ground for the seed to fall into. After a day of man handling that so called self propelled machine, I decided this year I would have one with a steering wheel. So, I decided to add some spring teeth to tubing that would fit snuggly on my tiller shafts. I also added the gage wheels to control the depth and a sheet of plastic on the swing plate to control the flying debri. All went well though about 1/2 of the yard, then the rubber mounts on the spring teeth began to fatigue and fall off. I had to go though the yard with my metal detector to find the 9 teeth that came off. So, back to the drawing board on that part. I may just go to solid 1/4 straight blades or try the true spring teeth.



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