T-Mo-(Moderator) 4,535 #1 Posted September 24, 2007 Since this is being pulled with a John Deere 318 with a Honda engine transplant, I put this in the "Other Brands" forum. This plow was made by a Missouri resident and he still working out some bugs, but it does work pretty good. For those with dial-up this may be a little bit big: Home made plow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rollerman 290 #2 Posted September 24, 2007 Nice video Treed! I thought about building a small 2 bottom to go behind my 1055 on a homemade 3 point for shows. Probably never happen, I'm still a "caveman" fabricator But very neat to see that setup in action. I did not get the make of that tractor though...was that an MTD? Stephen in northern IN....getting my ebay stuff together on day off Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sparky-(Admin) 21,804 #3 Posted September 24, 2007 Wonder how well it would plow in Connecticut. Every time I roto-till the wifes garden I "uproot" another huge boulder that wasnt there last year. Seems they grow all winter me thinks ! Mike........ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
T-Mo-(Moderator) 4,535 #4 Posted September 25, 2007 Here in my neck of Missouri, we have rocky ground and we have rocks. Just south of me is one of the biggest iron veins in the world, and we also have towns name after the kind of ore found in the ground, i.e. Leadwood, the Leadbelt area, Ironton, Iron County, Tiff (Barite). The whole town of Bonne Terre, Missouri sits atop one of the biggest underground mine where there is tunnels, underground lakes, etc. And this video was taken near Springfield, Missouri which lies near the rocky ground of the Ozark Mountains. Jim, who made the plow, said this was previously tilled ground, so he didn't know what real capabilities the plow had. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites