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Deck Manual

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I'm trying to figure out which mower decks they put on the 876 tractors, I have 2 of these and they both have different decks on them. One has a square rear discharge, and the other is the more round corner style rear discharge. I believe they are both 36". I'm trying to get part numbers and also figure out how to adjust them for a better cut. Will probably rebuild both soon if I can figure out what I have for sure.

Thanks wingrider

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Those are showing up as 1966 36" RD Decks. Others more knowing than I will chime in.

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Certain decks built as early as 1961 (RM-3661) will work on an 876, as will a few later models - as long as the deck is made for a tractor with a 2.5" engine pulley and the foot-operated PTO. The shell can either be the fabricated rectangular version or the newer one-piece stamped version - depending on the year of manufacture.

The decks that would have normally been sold with an 8hp or less 1966 model (except Lawn Rangers) could have been the RM-326 (translation: Rotary Mower / 32" cutting width / 1966) and the RM-366. The 32" decks don't cooperate well with the tractors with the 8.50" rear tires - especially the hydro models with the increased track width - because of the location of the gauge wheels.

There was also an RM-425 deck sold in 1965 that was designed to work on the 1055 and 1075 models, but a few of them found their way on to 8hp tractors. This deck was a 42" WOC three blade, side discharge model with a nightmare of a drive belt design. WH dealers were constantly having to work on these decks. They were supposedly instructed to offer the customers a new 36" two blade deck in exchange for the problematic RM-425.

The 1966 to 1969 gear-drive two-blade decks are almost identical and are the stamped versions.


(Potential model numbers are RM-366/367/5-2361/5-2362)

This would be the older style:


As long as you have all of the corresponding mounting pieces, either style will work.

The RL decks were made for the Long frame tractors (1056/1257/R-10/C-12/E-12, etc) and can be converted for use on the "little" tractors by switching the #6908 3 groove pulley to one like pictured on the first deck shown above. You would still need to have the correct mounting plates and the foot operated PTO pieces though.

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Thanks TT that is just what I was looking for.


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